Today, we look at Haggai 2:10-19 where we are challenged to please God by living Holy lives. How can we, in 2025 live Holy lives?
Psalm 139. David concludes this Psalm with a prayer we all need to pray. By understanding that God knows everything about us, that God has known us from the womb, and we cannot escape the presence of God, this prayer becomes more and more important to...
Haggai 1:2-11. Twice, God warned the people of Jerusalem to Consider Your Ways. the temple of God was in ruins while they were rebuilding their homes and lives ad possessions. Like us today, they were putting things ahead of God. take a few minutes...
Today, we take a good, hard look at the topic of love. Specifically, our love for others. How would you rate your love for others?
Selected verses from Exodus 3-4. God laid out His calling and task for Mosses. Yet, Moses still doubted, questioned and made excuses for why he was not the man for the job. If God has called you into something, He will equip you to do what He has...
James 4:10, Psalm 40:1-3. This is, arguably, the most important step of them all. If you are not willing to humble yourself before the Lord, you will never accomplish the rest of the steps to draw near to God. Are you willing to humble yourself today?
Psalm 51:10-13. When David was confronted with his sin with Bathsheba, he confessed his sin to God, and sought God’s forgiveness. That is what we need to do when we realize the sin in our lives.
2 Corinthians 1:21-22