Continuing our study in the Old Testament book Haggai. Today, we look at chapter 2:1-9 and see where God is encouraging them to keep on in their work of rebuilding the temple. He encourages them with words like “be strong”, “fear not”, “I am with...
2 Timothy 3:16-17. God uses His inspired word to prepare us to do the good works He has called us to do.
Matthew 7:21-23. If you have works, but no faith in Jesus, you have nothing. The people Jesus talked about in these verses had works enough to go around. But they had no faith. Had they had faith, they would have been sure they were following the will...
Selected verses from James 2. It’s important to have faith in God. But faith alone isn’t enough. It must be proven by the works you do. The works either prove your faith to be true, or prove your faith to be false. Faith without works is dead.
Selected verses from 1 Kings 18 & 19. The devil may have a big, nasty bark. But, for the Christian, he has no bite. Don’t let the devil keep you from doing the work God has for you.
Selected verses. Salvation is a gift from God, discipleship is what we are called to. Is the faith you claim to have a faith that can move you to do what God has called, or one that can’t move you out of your seat?
2 Corinthians 1:21-22