Ephesians 3:16-17, Paul is praying that we get the strength that only comes through the power of the Holy Spirit. That strength enables us to resist temptation, overcome trials and live for God. Have you received that strength?
In todays episode, we talk about telling others about Jesus. We need to keep spreading out the message of the cross. We need to keep telling others about salvation that is available only through Jesus. We need to do that, …
For the Christian, we must realize that God is working in each one of us to make us who He wants us to be. Are you allowing God to do the work in your life He needs to do, or …
Nehemiah 4:1-6. Opposition will come when you are doing what God called you to do. How do you handle it? Just like Nehemiah did. Listen in and find out how to handle opposition the Bible way.
Ephesians 4:29. Our topic is “Using Words Properly.” We will discover how we should be relating to others through our speech.
This episode, End Time Encouragement, looks a 2 Timothy 4:7-8. Paul leaves Timothy encouragement to keep our focus on Jesus.
Selected verses from Luke 3. John the Baptist challenged his listeners to bring fruit worthy of repentance (Luke3:8).
1 Corinthians 14:19/15:1-9. Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ is something each and every believer has to do. It’s a direct command from Jesus. Yet, so many of us don’t share the Gospel. Paul gives us instruction on sharing the …
Today, we take a good, hard look at the topic of love. Specifically, our love for others. How would you rate your love for others?
By spending time studying and applying the Bible to our lives, that is the only way we will know what the calling of God is on our lives. It’s the only way we will be thoroughly equipped to handle that …
There are 4 things that we must do if we are going to have our mind renewed so that we can be transformed into the person that God wants you to be. Listen and discover those 4 tings needed to …
2 Timothy 4:6-8. After giving Timothy some instruction into doing his good works, Paul reveals the results of doing those good works. Paul lived a lift of sacrifice for the Lord, and now he knew his death was near. He …
Selected Verses from Numbers 32. Don’t settle for just enough, aim to get all the blessings that God has for you.
Matthew 14:22-32. Here, we read the account of Peter walking on water towards Jesus. All was fine until Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and looked at what was going on around him. He then sunk. That happens to …