Selected verses from Romans 3. Even though few want to hear the truth, I’m going to show you the truth.
2 Samuel 12 selected verses. In our reading today, we see when David sinned with Bathsheba. When confronted with his sin, David confessed it. What do you do when you get confronted with your sin?
John 82-12. In these verses, we see someone caught in sin. Caught in the very act of sin, then dragged to Jesus to see what should be done. Can you imagine if that was to happen to us today? Jesus …
Psalm 51:10-13. When David was confronted with his sin with Bathsheba, he confessed his sin to God, and sought God’s forgiveness. That is what we need to do when we realize the sin in our lives.
1 John 1:9. The Bible makes it simple. Unfortunately we don’t want to believe it. We are told we are deceiving ourselves if we don’t believe it, and even calling God a liar if we don’t believe it. What am …