Today, we look at 1 Corinthians 1:18-22 where Paul is asking a vital question for us to consider. For you, is the cross of Jesus foolishness or the power of God demonstrated? So many people today are looking for signs …
In Matthew 6:24-34 Jesus asks Why worry? Jesus teaches us that worry is not part of the Kingdom of God, therefore, we should not worry about things. As we grow in our walk with Jesus, worry should become a thing …
Mark 12:41-44. The widow gave it all to the temple treasury. What things are we withholding from God?
Today, we take a look at the spirit of Power. It’s the first thing Paul lists. God has given us power to do many things. In this episode I take a look at just 3 things I believe God has …
Mark 4:35-41. If Jesus has given you direction for your walk with Him, then you can trust that you will make it to your destination. No matter the trials or storms you will face, if Jesus said it, you can …
Selected verses from Matthew 10. Jesus told us to “Go.” What did He mean? Go is an action word, it requires us to do something. We must share our faith with those in our homes, communities and workplaces. The church …
For the next several days, we will be studying what we call today, the Great Commission. It’s our marching larders direct from Jesus. Today, I give a quick overview of what we are called to do.
2 Timothy 4:6-8. After giving Timothy some instruction into doing his good works, Paul reveals the results of doing those good works. Paul lived a lift of sacrifice for the Lord, and now he knew his death was near. He …
2 Timothy 3:17-4:5. God will equip you to do the job He has called you to do. In today’s episode, we look at our example, Timothy, and see what his calling was and how he was to do it. We …
Romans 8:28. Even though you might not see it or understand it now, one day, you will see how the trial you’re going through now will lead to good things for you and your life.
Matthew 14:22-32. Here, we read the account of Peter walking on water towards Jesus. All was fine until Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and looked at what was going on around him. He then sunk. That happens to …
Psalm 62:5-7. In today’s reading, we see that we need to trust only in God. So often, we try to put our trust in other things, but those other things ultimately fail. God will not fail us. Try putting your …
John 20:30-31, Revelation 22:18-19