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June 2, 2023

Episode 1926 - Do Not Let The Devil Scare You

Selected verses from 1 Kings 18 & 19. The devil may have a big, nasty bark. But, for the Christian, he has no bite. Don’t let the devil keep you from doing the work God has for you.

Selected verses from 1 Kings 18 & 19. The devil may have a big, nasty bark. But, for the Christian, he has no bite. Don’t let the devil keep you from doing the work God has for you.


Good morning and welcome to this brand new day. This is scripture leaks Daily Dose of Inspiration for Friday, June 2 2023. And it is national rotisserie chicken day. I love rotisserie

chicken. You know I don't understand how the grocery stores that you normally get it at get it's so nice and tender but I like that. Anyway it's also National Donut Day and so make sure you hit up the donut shop today make sure you get the rotisserie chicken and you have dinner you got dessert, you're all set to go. Welcome to the weekend just about. today I want us to take a look in the book of First Kings and it's going to be chapter number 19 And we're gonna take a look at something here that happened because we talked about Elijah yesterday on the broadcast and we talked about him in the cave and and his how he was he was looking for or how he was he was having a conversation with God. And I want to take a look here real quick today to finish up our week and see how he got there. Because I think sometimes sometimes we might we might get the the ire of the devil up. We may get the devil upset. And so he may try and retaliate and try and bring us down. But we're going to see that Go doesn't allow that doesn't always allow that. And to give you a little bit of background here before we get into the verses we're gonna look at today. Back here in chapter 18, of the book of Second Kings. Elijah is challenging the prophets of baal. Baal was a false god he was an idol that the the Israel was worshipping at that point in time, and he challenged him to a contest he said let's basically see what God will break fire down from Heaven will shoot fire down from heaven. And whichever God does that that's going to be the God that we as a nation are going to serve and and abate prophets of baal all the people Yeah, let's do that. Let's do that. And I encourage you to go read chapter 18 of the book of First Kings and read the whole story but in a nutshell, what happened. The prophets of baal went out and they they danced around the altar that was built they saw they cut themselves they they started beating themselves they were doing whatever they could to wake up their their God and of course nothing happened and they did this all day long. And nothing happened and Elijah was there making fun of them and and Elijah now has his turn. And of course, God sent fire down from heaven and verse 39, after God sent fire down from heaven. Verse 39 tells us and when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and said, The Lord He is God the Lord He is God. The people believed in this all of a sudden they believed in God because they saw this miracle. So Elijah, we verse 40, said, Alright, let's let's take all the prophets of Baal,  and let's get rid of them so that we don't get tempted in this way again. And that's what they did. So we Elijah would have been on a spiritual high because God did a major miracle there at with sending the fire down from heaven. And we see here as we go into chapter 19 Now that they have who was king over Israel at that time, how he went to his wife, Jezebel, just loved that name. Now Scripture tells us other in other places, and of the Bible scholars as well that Jezebel was was mostly responsible for this false idol worship that Israel was doing at that time. And so he Ahab goes and says, alter the lives you did and how we slain the prophets. And Jezebel verses number two, send a messenger onto onto Elijah saying, so what the gods do to me and more also if I make not that life is the life of one of them by tomorrow, about this time.  In other words, what she was saying was, Elijah, you're going to be a dead man. You're going to be a dead man. That's that's what she was saying. And Elijah saw that remember, he's on his spiritual high of what God had done through him here, chapter 18. He gets this message from Jezebel, who was basically a messenger the devil. Elijah gets that and Elijah takes off running that's where he ends up in this cave. And verse nine here. It tells us that it says and he came to their onto a cave and watch their and behold, the word of the Lord came to him and said unto him, What do Estelle hear Elijah? This is where it gets exciting to me here. Because he was he was running, basically running for his life at the threat of this lady, and he goes to the hides in the cave. And God comes to him and says, What do is sow he realize you, the Lord asked him that again. In verse number 13, what do is sow here, Elijah? In other words, why are you here? Why aren't you doing what you were called to do? Why are you here? How many times do we just settle for the Lord, or the Lord does something mighty through us? And the devil gets mad, and the devil starts barking and starts making all these, these threats starts putting fear in our minds, that we all of a sudden grow quiet. And we take off running and we hide in a cave. We may not hide in a literal cave, but we're going to get by yourself and we're going to quit doing what God has called us to do. That's what it was. You did it. God said what are you doing here? And Elijah says here, Mercy see where are we at here? Verse 14, Elijah says tool. I have been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts, because the children of Israel have forsaken my covenant have thrown down nine altars and slain My prophets with a sword. And I even I only am left and they seek my life to take it away. And look what the Lord says and what what the Lord says here in verse 15. And Lord said unto him, go return on my way to the wilderness of Damascus. And when the alchemist annoyed, hazy owl to be king over Syria, see God didn't say Oh, poor Elijah, you just stay here and and wait this out and don't worry about going out and doing what you're called to do. Know the Lord sent him back on his mission. He said, Hey, go back there and anoint this king like you're supposed to be doing, go out there and do the things that you're supposed to be doing. And that's what he's saying to each one of us. We got groups out there in America today who's trying to silence the Bible, trying to silence Christians, and a lot of times they are succeeding and they are winning. But God's telling us today, get out there, do your job. Get out there and do what I'm calling you to do. So friends, let me ask you this. Are you hiding in a cave? Somewhere today? If so, that you need to get out and you need to start doing what God has called you to do. Don't let the devil scare you. Don't let the devil cause you to not do what God has called you to do. The devil might have a bark, but you don't have a bite are you doing today what God has called you to do? Think about that as you go through this day and remember, get into God's word and allow God's word to get into you and then share that word with someone today. Have a blessed day.