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June 5, 2023

Episode 1927 - Is there a change part 1

Episode 1927 - Is there a change part 1

Ephesians 4:21-24. In these passages of Scripture, it is clear that there must be a change in our lives if we have given our lives to Jesus. The rest of the week, we will look at real life examples of people that had a encounter with Jesus, and walked...

Ephesians 4:21-24. In these passages of Scripture, it is clear that there must be a change in our lives if we have given our lives to Jesus. The rest of the week, we will look at real life examples of people that had a encounter with Jesus, and walked away changed.


Good morning and welcome to this brand new day. This is ScriptureLinks Daily Dose of Inspiration for Monday, June 15 2023, and as you wake up and you start this brand new day. Thank God for this day. commit this day to him and use this day to bring glory and honor to our Lord and use this day to share your faith with someone and encourage somebody and while you're out and about today take some time and give God praise because he is worthy of our praise. He is worthy of our worship. He is worthy of our Thanksgiving. Today is Monday June 5, and it is national veggie burger day. That is not exactly my cup of tea. But if that's your thing, that Happy National veggie burger day. I don't know when I think of veggies and I think a burger. They don't go together. But like I said, if that's your thing, so be it. This week, we're gonna do a series on The Daily Dose of Inspiration about about a new life in Christ. Many of you remember a couple of weeks ago, we did a pretty extensive study on how we should have a change in life. If we've given our lives to Christ, and I had received a message from a pastor over and let's just say Middle Tennessee somewhere who pastors a contemporary church, who didn't agree with with what we were saying and don't think that requiring a new life a different life is something that we need to put on people. And you know, I would study in the past couple of days about that topic, because last thing I want to do as a as a preacher is to teach something false. And as I was praying the Lord kept impressing on me what what Paul wrote in Ephesians chapter four. And that's what we're going to look today and this is going to be the basis of our or the foundation of our week this week is these verses here. And then starting tomorrow we're going to look at for people who had an encounter with Jesus, who walked away different and it'll be a fascinating study so you don't want to miss any episode this week. So Ephesians chapter four starting in verse number. Let's start in verse number 21. We read, if so be that you have heard him and have been taught by Him as the truth is in Jesus, that you put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind. And that you put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Friends, these verses, in my opinion, make it clear that there's got to be a separation. There's got to be a definite separation between our life before Christ and our life after Christ. Paul starts out here in verse 22, that you put off concerning the former conversation, the old man. In other words, what he is saying here is your old life needs to be took off. I had a pastor one time that did have a message based on these verses, and I'll never forget it because he had an old ratty suit coat that he wore, and he took it off and put on a brand new suit coat. And that's exactly what we're supposed to do. Paul says that we need to put off concerning our former conversation or our former life over in a book of Colossians chapter number three. He says starting in verse number. Let's see, let's start in verse number five. He says mortified, therefore your members which are upon the earth fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry, for which things sake the wrath of God come with on the children of disobedience and pay special attention here verse number seven. In the witch, he also walked some time when he lived in them. We will probably say in here, these things like fornication, like covetousness like idolatry. Those are the things that characterized our own life, in that we walked in that way when we lived that way. But then if we jump down to verse 10, he says in have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him, Paul says and put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of God that created Jesus tell us that what that means. In the knowledge of Jesus that created that we are God's creation. So we got to have that separation. We got to have that new life. We got to have that putting off of the former self. Then back here in Ephesians, chapter four, put off the old self and he says and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind. That's the only way that we can change into the people that God wants us to be into the people that Jesus died for, is if we have a change in our mind. If our mindset remains on the things of this earth, then we're never going to change. We're always going to be stuck in the same sense over and over and over again. And each of these people that we're going to take a look at the rest of this week had that change of mind. Because we don't see them going back scripts, you don't record them going back to their old lifestyle. Let's go back over to Colossians chapter three, there was a verse there I want to I want to share verse number two. I just start in verse number one Colossians chapter three verses one and two, says if you then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above where Christ said it's on the right hand of God, since your affection on the thing above, not on things of this earth. Are we willing to do that today? If we want to put on the new person, then we got to have a change in our mind, we got to have a change in our thought pattern. And we need to change our thought pattern from the things of this world to the things of God. And until we can do that, we're not going to get that change of mind. And that's something that we're going to struggle with and this isn't a one time, change your mind friends. This is going to be something that we struggle with. It's got to be something that we deal with each and every day. In the Gospels. There's a section there. Now we're not going to study it. But there's a section there where Jesus says to disciples, who people say that he is and Peter had given an answer that really struck Jesus that Jesus really liked. And he said that told him that he is blessed because his mind is he's looking at a face from a heavenly perspective. And then Jesus started talking about the end times when he's going to be betrayed. And when he's going to die on the cross and Peter took Him aside and rebuked him for this teaching. And Jesus say Get behind Me, Satan. So in a matter of minutes, Peter went from being blessed to being cursed, because he had his mind on on heavenly things, for some things, but other things, he was still looking at things as the way they are in this earth. So that's the struggle that we're going to do but we got to have that renewing of our mind. Like Romans chapter 12. And verse two says, Don't be conformed to this world. but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. We can't be conformed to this world. If we want to live for Jesus. We can't be like the world. If we want to live for Jesus. There's got to be that separation. And then when we get our mind renewed, when we take off our old life, and we get our mind renewed, then we put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness, and holiness, true holiness. So friends, let me ask you this as we start this new day, this new week. Is there a change in your life? Has there been a definite change in your life?

Think about that as you go through this day. And remember, get into God's word and allow God's word to get into you. And then she share that word with someone today. Have a blessed day.

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