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June 6, 2023

Episode 1928 - Is there a change part 2

Episode 1928 - Is there a change part 2

Luke 19:1-10. Today we are studying Zaccheus. This man was a publican (tax collector) and probably one of the most hated people in the city. Yet, Jesus still abode at his house. As a result, Zaccheus was converted, and his conversion was proven by his...

Luke 19:1-10. Today we are studying Zaccheus. This man was a publican (tax collector) and probably one of the most hated people in the city. Yet, Jesus still abode at his house. As a result, Zaccheus was converted, and his conversion was proven by his statements in verse 8. He had changed, and that change proved his faith and proved his salvation.


Good morning and welcome to this brand new day. Today, this is ScriptureLinks Daily Dose of Inspiration and today is Tuesday June 6 2023. And it is national drive in movie day.

That's something really for the old timers out there. You know, drive ins kind of were on their way out when I was when I was growing up and there's a handful left here in East Tennessee so if you have a drive in movie theater near you, why not today sometime or tonight? Go in and take in a movie at the drive in feel nostalgic that way.

We talked about how there must be a change in our life. After we've accepted Jesus that is change isn't a requirement for salvation, but it's something that's done to be obedient to God to prove our faith to prove our salvation. And starting today we're going to look at some people in the scriptures that had a direct encounter with Jesus and how they came away different and I was sitting talking to dad about this topic today. Tonight when I go home from work. And I think next week we're gonna take a few days and see people that was changed because of the witness of somebody else. You know, God's followers that God's children went out there and and shared their faith and other people are affected by that. And we're going to check that out next week. I believe, Lord willing, we'll see how that goes. But for today, we're gonna look at the Gospel of Luke chapter 19. And it's going to be verses one through 10.

And he couldn't see around the people because he was little, I don't have that problem. I have the other other end of that, where sometimes I feel a little too tall but you know, I don't have the problem that Zacchaeus had that he couldn't see Jesus. And one thing I want us to note here is in verse four, because he couldn't see Jesus there because he couldn't see Jesus because of the press. Scripture says that he ran before and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him for he was the pass that way. Zacchaeus made an effort to see Jesus.

And you see, that's what a lot of us lack is a lot of us lack that effort to see Jesus. We don't make an effort to go to church, we don't make an effort to open or our Bibles. We don't make an effort to pray. is one of the see Jesus, and he made an effort to see him and he was rewarded for that effort. When Jesus came and said, said to Zacchaeus come down for I must abide if I house what an exciting day it would have been for Zacchaeus in Scripture tells us that he made haste and came down and received him joyfully and that Jesus goes to the the house Zacchaeus now we don't know the conversation that happened. We don't know if Jesus taught him things.

ßzScripture tells us back here in verse number two, that he was the chief among Republicans. The Republicans were basically tax collectors, and they were hated even more, more so than the Romans. That was his was in charge of Israel at that time.

So Zacchaeus was a publican chances were pretty good that he probably stole from people. That was something that was commonplace at that time, according to biblical scholars today. So Zacchaeus was making a pledge here to prove his salvation. He was saying, I'm going to give half my goods to the poor, and I'm going to restore on to that fourfold if I have stolen anything. In other words, they're going to get four times the amount that that he stole then Jesus says here in verse number nine, this day is salvation come to this house for so much as he also is a son of Abraham. Jesus said, salvation has come to that house. That action, his proclamation, his declaration, proved his salvation. And you know, there's another group of people here in a story, I want to address here real fast, and it's in verse number seven. Scripture says and when they saw it, they all murmured, saying that, that he was gone to be a guest with a man, that is a senator anyone want to make a guess, as to who they are. That's right, the Pharisees the Sadducees that were religious leaders of his time. They didn't look that Jesus was going to minister to somebody. They just looked and said, Jesus is going to be with the center. And then look how Jesus referred says here in verse number 10, for the Son of Man, referring to himself, is come to seek and to save that which was lost. Zacchaeus was lost. And Jesus was not gonna let their murmuring stop him from proclaiming the gospel to Zacchaeus. That's what most likely happened. And Zacchaeus got saved and Zacchaeus proved that he had a genuine salvation. When he makes the pledge to give half his goods to the poor, and the hill restore to anyone he stole anything from fourfold. So friends has there been a change like that in your life?

If there hasn't been, then you better make sure of your salvation. Think about that as you go through this day. And remember, get into God's word and allow God's word to get into you. And then share that word with someone today. Have a blessed day.

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