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Sept. 15, 2023

Episode 1980 - Two Types of Religion part 2

James 1:26-27. In todays episode, we look at the religion that is acceptable unto God. It’s one where we go out, helping to meet the needs of others, where we keep ourselves from being influenced by the world.

The podcast features a speaker discussing the topic of religion and how it can be either worthless or acceptable. The speaker references the book of James in the Bible and explains that religion should be an external evidence of inward faithfulness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of controlling one's tongue and not speaking negatively about others. The acceptable religion, according to the speaker, involves putting others' needs ahead of one's own and remaining unblemished by the world. The speaker cites examples from the Bible, including visiting the fatherless and widows in their affliction and keeping oneself unsullied from the world. The speaker encourages listeners to reflect on their own religion and determine whether it aligns with the acceptable or worthless type. The podcast also includes a brief advertisement for the speaker's website, which offers a prayer wall for visitors to leave their prayer requests. The podcast ends with a message from Lifeline Productions about the importance of seeking out credible experts in spiritual matters.


