Episode 2108 - Was There a Fishing 101 class?

Today, I ask the question Was There a Fishing 101 class? Let me explain. We’re talking about our lives before and after Christ. Taking off the old life (before) and putting on the new (after). There is no middle ground. Too often, today, we want to...
Today, I ask the question Was There a Fishing 101 class? Let me explain. We’re talking about our lives before and after Christ. Taking off the old life (before) and putting on the new (after). There is no middle ground. Too often, today, we want to plug into a church using our strengths and comfort zones. That is not the way it should be. I look at Peter, and see how he changed once he got his faith in Jesus restored. I haven’t seen anywhere where Peter taught a Fishing 101 class and threw in a few minutes about Jesus. No! We see him preach powerful sermons that moved people to action.