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Aug. 12, 2024

Episode 2173 - Something From My Heart

Episode 2173 - Something From My Heart

In today's episode, we reflect on John 14:1-6. Amidst the chaos and uncertainties of the world, Jesus' words offer comfort and reassurance. He tells us not to let our hearts be troubled, to believe in God, and also in Him. Jesus promises to prepare a place for us and assures us that He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.
Join us as we delve deeper into these verses, understanding the context and the profound peace that Jesus offers. Despite the turmoil around us, let’s focus on the eternal promise and the peace that comes from trusting in Jesus.

Feeling overwhelmed by the world's events? In today's episode, we explore the comforting words of Jesus in John 14. Discover how to find peace and reassurance amidst the chaos. Jesus' promise of preparing a place for us and being the way, the truth, and the life offers profound hope. Don't miss this inspiring message. Tune in now and let your heart be untroubled.


: Good morning and welcome to this brand new day. This description links daily dose of inspiration for Monday, August 12, 2024 and today is national vinyl Record Day. How many of you are old enough to remember those vinyl records? Yeah, I used to have a couple in my collection and, you know, it's, I don't have them anymore, though. But I've heard that they're making a comeback again, that people are starting to get those old vinyl records again. So if that's your thing, listen to a vinyl record today. If, uh, you're following along in the scripture reading today, we're reading Genesis chapter 23 and proverbs chapter 20. Again, that's Genesis chapter 23 and proverbs chapter twelve. I certainly hope you are reading along in those scriptures. Um, today I want to kind of just take a couple of minutes and share something that's on my heart. I'm not going to do the message I planned on doing for tonight. Um, we'll do that tomorrow night, lord willing. But we had a good service in church yesterday, and there was a lot of people going to the altar. There was testimonies, there was challenges, um, some good singing and good preaching. And I want to share a couple of passages out of John chapter 14. Um, and I want to do it because I think that in a lot of ways, a lot of people are scared about what's happening in the world. Um, you know, if you watch, watch.

>> <name></name>: The news reports or even get your.

>> <name></name>: News off of places like Apple news or something like that, you see that there's a lot of rumors of wars going on. There's a lot of, uh, Japan, for instance, over the weekend just had a major earthquake. And I believe that there was an earthquake over in the west coast of California this past week. I could be wrong about that one. Um, undoubtedly, many of you had saw the video on social media about the plane that fell from the sky down there in Brazil. Um, there's just been a whole host of events that's been happening. And I'm sure some of you are concerned about, you know, here in America, our presidential elections this year. And I think Jesus addressed a lot of this stuff here in John chapter 14. And I think that, uh, this was.

>> <name></name>: Right after the Lord's supper, but right.

>> <name></name>: Before his betrayal in the garden. There's a few chapters here in the gospel of John that kind of shows Jesus heart here as he's trying to prepare his disciples for what it is.

>> <name></name>: That they were going to have to do.

>> <name></name>: And I want to read for you John 14, one six. And scripture says, and these are the words of Jesus here. He m says, let not your heart be troubled. Ye believe in God. Believe also in me. In my father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go, ye know and the way ye know. And Thomas said unto him, lord, we know not whither thou goest. And how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the father but by me. There's a lot of stuff in these verses here that I think is going to help, um, to give it into a little bit of context here. Um, Jesus had just finished the Lord's supper.

>> <name></name>: Um, he told his disciples that he's.

>> <name></name>: Given them a new commandment that they need to love each other. Um, in verses 36 through 38, Jesus is warning Peter.

>> <name></name>: Of his denial, that.

>> <name></name>: He'S going to deny him. And undoubtedly that probably got Peter a little worrisome, a little frustrated, maybe a little hurt, possibly. And Jesus, after he warns him about his denial, he says, let not your heart be troubled. Ye believe in God. Believe also in me. You see, son, that's. That's a, uh, issue for so many people. So many people want to believe in.

>> <name></name>: God, but they want to take jesus out of the equation, and he can't do that.

>> <name></name>: Jesus said, let not your heart be troubled. Many of us have troubled hearts today. Could be because of what's going on in the world. It could be what's going on in your own life.

>> <name></name>: But Jesus tells us, let not your heart be troubled.

>> <name></name>: He said, you believe in God. Believe also in me. In verse 27 of John, chapter 14, Jesus again uses the phrase, let not your heart be troubled. Neither let it be afraid.

>> <name></name>: But he starts that verse with, peace.

>> <name></name>: I leave with you my peace I give unto you. Jesus is waiting to give us his peace, a peace of mind, a, uh, peace of heart. I don't know if that's the right.

>> <name></name>: Phrase or not, but Jesus is waiting to give us that peace, and we.

>> <name></name>: Have to come to him for that peace. And then he says here in verse number two, in my father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you. You see, in his house, in the father's kingdom is many mansions.

>> <name></name>: But Jesus is going to prepare a place for us.

>> <name></name>: You see, that tells me that we're getting something better than a mansion. Just being there with Jesus, you can give me a grass shack and I'll be happy. But Jesus said he's preparing a place for us. And he says here in verse three.

>> <name></name>: Then, that if I go and prepare.

>> <name></name>: A place for you, which he's doing right now, I'm going to come again and receive you unto myself that where I am, you may be also. Jesus one day is going to come back. I'm not going to tell you that Jesus is coming back today or tomorrow or this week or this year or this month.

>> <name></name>: No one knows the date or the hour, but we can know by looking at the times and seeing what's going on. And we can trust that what Jesus says is true, that he's coming back. Don't let your hearts be troubled about what's going on in this world, because.

>> <name></name>: All these things got to come to pass.

>> <name></name>: But focus on the fact that Jesus.

>> <name></name>: Is preparing a place for us. And then he says, and whither I go, ye know, or he says, and where I go, ye know, and the way, you know.

>> <name></name>: And then Thomas, he says, lord, we.

>> <name></name>: Know not where thou goest. How can we know the way? He wanted, like a map to know.

>> <name></name>: How to get there. But you know what?

>> <name></name>: A lot of times, we're not given that. That's what the Holy Spirit was given to us. For at that time of salvation is to guide us to where we're supposed to be going. Thomas says, we don't know where you're going. How can we know to get there? Maybe Thomas was thinking that, that it's somewhere here on earth he's going, and he can get a map there. But Jesus says to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life.

>> <name></name>: No man cometh to the Father, but by me, Jesus is going to the father. That's where he's going. Jesus is the way to the Father. That's the way we get there.

>> <name></name>: So, friends, as we go through each day, and you turn on the news, you open up the newspaper, you open up your news app on your cell.

>> <name></name>: Phone or your tablet, and you see things like what's going on in the Middle east, and you see things like.

>> <name></name>: Terrorist attacks in this city or that.

>> <name></name>: City, and you see things like earthquakes or hurricanes, typhoons, volcanic eruptions, whatever. Don't let your heart be troubled by those things. God's still in control.

>> <name></name>: You know, when I used to minister in the nursing home prior to Covid, one of the things I always told the residents.

>> <name></name>: Was that there's nothing that's going on in this world right now that's causing God to sit back and say, wow, I didn't see that one coming. No, God's firmly in control. All these things got to come to pass. Jesus is preparing a place right now for you and for me. If you've given your life to him, and Jesus is the way, the only way. Don't let society tell you there's more than one way to heaven because there's nothing. Jesus made it clear.

>> <name></name>: And, yes, if that makes me narrow.

>> <name></name>: Minded, then, yes, I'm narrow minded, and I'm proud of it. Jesus said, I am the way. I am the truth. I am the life, and no one comes to the father but by me, the one and only way is Jesus. You can't love God and take Jesus out of the equation. You can't love God and hate Jesus. You can't do it. You can love a God, but not the God. That's why it's so important to get in here and to study your Bible and see what it is, the message that God has for us. Don't let your hearts be troubled.

>> <name></name>: You believe in God.

>> <name></name>: Believe also in Jesus. Are you ready to do that today? Father, I just thank you for your word, Lord, and that the mere name of Jesus can give us peace and comfort. And, Father, I just pray that you help us to stay focused on you, to stay focused on what you want us to accomplish, to stay focused on the steps that you have for us in the life you've given us, to stay focused on your word and to stay focused on you, despite what's going on in this world right now, despite what's going on in America right now, despite what's going on in our state right now, in our communities. Help us stay focused on you, God, so that we can accomplish what it is that you want us to finish in our life. Lord and Father, we know that in all things, we can trust you because.

>> <name></name>: You are firmly in control.

>> <name></name>: Thank you for that, Lord. Thank you for Jesus and for the sacrifice that he gave so that we can live for you. We ask these things in Jesus name. Amen. Remember, get into God's word and allow God's word to get into you.

>> <name></name>: Then share that word with someone today.

>> <name></name>: Have a blessed day.

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