In studying the parable of Lazarus and the Rich man in Luke 16, we can learn a few things about Hell. Listen in and see what we learn, and what God really desires for you and me.
Today, we are exploring what the writers of the Bible meant with the phrase Abba, Father.
In today’s episode, we look one more time at Galatians 4 where Paul asked them if they now considered him an enemy because he told them the truth about their rebellion and falling away from Pauls message. We also look …
In todays episode, we are taking a look at the modern, contemporary church, and the true church of Jesus. Are they the same? Different? Take a listen and see which church you resemble.
In this episode, I give some examples of people getting angry at hearing the truth, and why that happens.
Selected verses from Galatians. Paul asks the church a question, he asked “am I your enemy because I told you the truth?” Many people today reject the truth and rely on what they want the truth to be. You can …
Selected verses from Romans 3. Even though few want to hear the truth, I’m going to show you the truth.
There are some people who don’t believe anything unless they see it with their own eyes. In this episode, i list several eyewitnesses to the life and times of Jesus Christ
The man we know as the Apostle Paul didn’t start out that way. He was persecuting the church, arresting and putting in prison the Christians. That is, until he encountered Jesus, who set him on the right path.
John 15:18-21, Jesus is warning us about the hatred of the world, and the coming persecution of the church.
God has called us to influence in the world with His love. But lately, many of us seem to have allowed the world to influence us instead. Today, we are seeing why it is so important to get away from …
None of us ever enjoyed the act of discipline. In todays’ episode, we talk about how we an live for Jesus.
Did you know that God disciplines us? Yes, that is a fact. Many people don’t talk about that, but it’s a vital part of our walk with the Lord. We’ll talk about the purpose of that discipline, and look at …
Today, we will take a look at 1 Samuel 15:22 We will see what obedience and disobedience is, and see that obedience takes some time.
Oops! I forgot to title this episode. We are called to do good works. Those good works prove the faith we claim to have. Those good works show others that God is real. What good works is God calling you …
2 Kings 22:1-8. 13-18. These verses caution us about who we turn to to get advice. The advice we got should always go along with what the Bible says. Anything different should be advice you leave behind.
Basically, there has got to be a change. If you are the same today as you were before Jesus, then you need to repent and get things right with God.
Ephesians 5:8, 10-11. Paul is teaching us some important lessons in the way we live our life. We must walk as the children of God, but all too often, we walk as though we are still living in sin. That …
Ephesians 3:16-17, Paul is praying that we get the strength that only comes through the power of the Holy Spirit. That strength enables us to resist temptation, overcome trials and live for God. Have you received that strength?
Ephesians 4:30. In this episode, I teach on the importance of not bringing sorrow to God by the way you are living your life. We talk about the ways we grieve the Holy Spirit, and the work that the Holy …
Have you given Jesus your all. I mean, have you given Him everything? That’s what it takes if you want to truly follow Him. Are you willing to give it all to Him?
Today, we look a various verses, mostly in the life and ministry of Paul, and see that each of us is put in our place for a reason. The reason: to let your light shine before others. Are you letting …
In todays episode, we look 2 men who had an encounter with Jesus. One man left sorrowful, the other forgiven. Where do you find ourself in these two examples?
In todays episode, we talk about telling others about Jesus. We need to keep spreading out the message of the cross. We need to keep telling others about salvation that is available only through Jesus. We need to do that, …