We continue looking at the topic of trials. Today, we look at what you and I need to do get through those trails. We need wisdom. And we get that from God Himself.
Trials, none of us like them, many of us fear them. But, trials are an important and vital part of our walk with Jesus. Listen to this episode to see why they are important to our faith.
Today we talk about trials. In Psalm 141 David provides some help in getting through times of trial.
In First Thessalonians, 5:17, Paul commands that we pray without ceasing. Meaning that we are continually in prayer. Can we really do that in 2025? We can look to a person who lived the pray without ceasing command. Nehemiah. Throughout his book, we...
Today, I talk about a sculpture I’d seen many years ago at a local attraction. We then look at Psalm 139 and see that God is all around and knows everything about us, and prunes and purges us to become who He wants us to be.
Today, we are looking at some highlights from the book of Nehemiah and see how Nehemiah sorted through the opposition to complete the task he was given.
Today, we finish up our study in the book of Haggai. We are looking at Haggai 2:20-23 and see the results of serving God faithfully.
Today, we look at Haggai 2:10-19 where we are challenged to please God by living Holy lives. How can we, in 2025 live Holy lives?
Continuing our study in the Old Testament book Haggai. Today, we look at chapter 2:1-9 and see where God is encouraging them to keep on in their work of rebuilding the temple. He encourages them with words like “be strong”, “fear not”, “I am with...
We are studying the Old Testament book of Haggai the next few episodes. In this is a challenge for us to “consider our ways” and how we should change our thinking and behavior.
We see over and over that the writers of the Gospels are eyewitnesses to the works and words of Jesus. Why, then, do so many of us put our trust in idols who don’t even have breath in them while ignoring the true living God?
Today, we finish up studying John 13:36-14:7. Jesus is teaching that He alone is the one and only way to get to the Father. It doesn’t matter what the world believes or teaches, Jesus alone is the way to eternal life.
Today, we take time and see what happens to Peter after he denied Jesus.
We continue looking at John 13:36-14:7 and discover what happens when we fail the test.
In John 10, the Pharisees confronted Jesus and wanted Him to tell them if He was the Messiah. Jesus had strong words for them, which include that they are not of His own. In this episode, we explore what the Pharisees trusted more that caused them to...
In studying the parable of Lazarus and the Rich man in Luke 16, we can learn a few things about Hell. Listen in and see what we learn, and what God really desires for you and me.
Today, we are exploring what the writers of the Bible meant with the phrase Abba, Father.
In today’s episode, we look one more time at Galatians 4 where Paul asked them if they now considered him an enemy because he told them the truth about their rebellion and falling away from Pauls message. We also look at a passage from Isaiah 1 where...
In todays episode, we are taking a look at the modern, contemporary church, and the true church of Jesus. Are they the same? Different? Take a listen and see which church you resemble.
In this episode, I give some examples of people getting angry at hearing the truth, and why that happens.
Selected verses from Galatians. Paul asks the church a question, he asked “am I your enemy because I told you the truth?” Many people today reject the truth and rely on what they want the truth to be. You can pretend all you want, but it will never be...
Selected verses from Romans 3. Even though few want to hear the truth, I’m going to show you the truth.
There are some people who don’t believe anything unless they see it with their own eyes. In this episode, i list several eyewitnesses to the life and times of Jesus Christ