In studying the parable of Lazarus and the Rich man in Luke 16, we can learn a few things about Hell. Listen in and see what we learn, and what God really desires for you and me.
Today, we are exploring what the writers of the Bible meant with the phrase Abba, Father.
In today’s episode, we look one more time at Galatians 4 where Paul asked them if they now considered him an enemy because he told them the truth about their rebellion and falling away from Pauls message. We also look …
In todays episode, we are taking a look at the modern, contemporary church, and the true church of Jesus. Are they the same? Different? Take a listen and see which church you resemble.
In this episode, I give some examples of people getting angry at hearing the truth, and why that happens.
Selected verses from Galatians. Paul asks the church a question, he asked “am I your enemy because I told you the truth?” Many people today reject the truth and rely on what they want the truth to be. You can …
Selected verses from Romans 3. Even though few want to hear the truth, I’m going to show you the truth.
There are some people who don’t believe anything unless they see it with their own eyes. In this episode, i list several eyewitnesses to the life and times of Jesus Christ
The man we know as the Apostle Paul didn’t start out that way. He was persecuting the church, arresting and putting in prison the Christians. That is, until he encountered Jesus, who set him on the right path.
John 15:18-21, Jesus is warning us about the hatred of the world, and the coming persecution of the church.
God has called us to influence in the world with His love. But lately, many of us seem to have allowed the world to influence us instead. Today, we are seeing why it is so important to get away from …
None of us ever enjoyed the act of discipline. In todays’ episode, we talk about how we an live for Jesus.
Did you know that God disciplines us? Yes, that is a fact. Many people don’t talk about that, but it’s a vital part of our walk with the Lord. We’ll talk about the purpose of that discipline, and look at …
Oops! I forgot to title this episode. We are called to do good works. Those good works prove the faith we claim to have. Those good works show others that God is real. What good works is God calling you …
2 Kings 22:1-8. 13-18. These verses caution us about who we turn to to get advice. The advice we got should always go along with what the Bible says. Anything different should be advice you leave behind.
Basically, there has got to be a change. If you are the same today as you were before Jesus, then you need to repent and get things right with God.
Ephesians 5:8, 10-11. Paul is teaching us some important lessons in the way we live our life. We must walk as the children of God, but all too often, we walk as though we are still living in sin. That …
Ephesians 3:16-17, Paul is praying that we get the strength that only comes through the power of the Holy Spirit. That strength enables us to resist temptation, overcome trials and live for God. Have you received that strength?
Ephesians 4:30. In this episode, I teach on the importance of not bringing sorrow to God by the way you are living your life. We talk about the ways we grieve the Holy Spirit, and the work that the Holy …
Have you given Jesus your all. I mean, have you given Him everything? That’s what it takes if you want to truly follow Him. Are you willing to give it all to Him?
Today, we look a various verses, mostly in the life and ministry of Paul, and see that each of us is put in our place for a reason. The reason: to let your light shine before others. Are you letting …
In todays episode, we look 2 men who had an encounter with Jesus. One man left sorrowful, the other forgiven. Where do you find ourself in these two examples?
In todays episode, we talk about telling others about Jesus. We need to keep spreading out the message of the cross. We need to keep telling others about salvation that is available only through Jesus. We need to do that, …
Looking in the books of Isaiah and Nehemiah in the Old Testament, we can see where God was confronting a sinful Judah and Israel that looks a lot like America today. We also see where the nation returned to God …
Today, we look at 1 Corinthians 1:18-22 where Paul is asking a vital question for us to consider. For you, is the cross of Jesus foolishness or the power of God demonstrated? So many people today are looking for signs …
For the Christian, we must realize that God is working in each one of us to make us who He wants us to be. Are you allowing God to do the work in your life He needs to do, or …
Paul said that there would come a day where people would be satisfied with a form of godliness. I firmly believe that day is now. In this episode, I talk about the dangers of being satisfied with a form of …
There are many more, but today we look at 3 ways that we can be faithful to God. Three steps that will help us be faithful to God. Three areas that, to be honest, many of us miss the mark. …
Today, we are studying Hebrews 3:2,5. In these verses, the writer of Hebrews is showing how both Jesus and Moses were faithful to God. It’s a pattern that you and I need to imitate. God is faithful to us, but …
Today, I am talking about our speech. Does your speech reflect the ways of this world, or the ways of God? We are told several times in the Bible to not “let filthy communication come out of your mouth.” We …
Today, we look at the topic of the New Year. The New Year brings a feeling of newness, of a fresh start. Many of you will make Resolutions for the New Year, something that you want to change about yourself. …
In the year 2025, will you join me as I desire to become more Christ-like. It means that I am going to get serious about my faith, and work on developing an intimate relationship with Jesus. What are some things …
Various verses. Paul was willing to forgo everything that made up his pedigree for the sake of Jesus. The religious leaders of Jesus’ time loved the praise of men rather than God. Which is more like the way you live …
Luke 2:1-20, a reading of the Christmas story, with a challenge thrown in.
Acts 10. We see, in this chapter, the Gospel being presented to the Gentiles by Peter. Peter could have stood by his religious rules and not went to the gentile, but he obeyed what God had told him to do. …
Various verses. Today I teach on the topic of oppression.
Various verses. Today, we study about chains and the bondage they create. Many of us either were, or still are in bondage today. We need the chains of sin broken. How? Through Jesus of course. We discuss what you and …
Various verses. Today we talk about love and peace. We are talking about verse 3 of the Christmas hymn O Holy Night. As Christians, we must show the same love to others that God shows to us.
Someone on social media recently said that a Christian cannot sing the song O Holy Night if they are not going to live out the third verse. We will spend the next few days seeing what the third verse says …
Various Verses. Anxiety can be a killer, and so many of us struggle with anxiety when we don’t have to. God cares about You, and the anxiety you struggle with. Give the anxiety to God, let Him deal with it …
Numbers 11:10-15. Moses had enough and he let God know how he felt. Sometimes, we need to get things off our chest, so that it doesn’t cause a rift between you and God.
Numbers 11:4-9. We have so much we need to thank God for, yet often we don’t even realize it. Or, even worse, we start to despise the very things God has provided. Take some time today just to say “thank …
Luke 7:11-17. How much could we change the world if we, as Christians, had compassion for others? Jesus demonstrated compassion to this widow whose only son had passed away. He brought her son back to life. When others are grieving, …
Luke 7:1-10. Here, we study an unexpected request from an unlikely source. A Roman centurion asked Jesus to heal his servant. It was a great display of faith like Jesus had never seen. In this episode, we will look at …
Various Verses in the Gospels. We are studying about John the Baptist and how he went from being absolutely sure Jesus was the Messiah, to sending his disciples to ask Jesus is He was the promised one or if they …
James 4:3, 7-10. Do your prayers often go unanswered? If so, there is a reason for it. Discover why your prayers are going unanswered and how to fix it.
Proverbs 2:10-15, these verses teach us the results of spiritual wisdom.
Proverbs 2:1-5. Here, the writer gives us steps to gaining Spiritual wisdom and understanding. Write these down somewhere or commit it to memory.
James 1:5-8, if we need wisdom, we simply ask God. That’s the way to do it. But, you must ask in faith not doubting. Doubting is the same as being double minded, and that person should not expect anything of …
Various verses. In today’s episode, we see two more reasons why we need spiritual wisdom. Like we said yesterday, we live in a world that has it’s good and evil mixed up. By getting spiritual wisdom, we will see the …
Various verses in 2 Timothy. We live in a perilous time, you don’t need me to tell you that. It is because of that fact that we need spiritual wisdom, the wisdom that comes from God. In todays episode, we …
Luke 16:19-31, we read the story of the rich man and Lazarus. The rich man died and went to Hell. We will see what we can learn about Hell from this parable.
Various Verses. Today, we will be taking a look at the dangers of falling for another Gospel. Paul warned us in Galatians 1:8-9 that there is no other Gospel, and if someone presents another Gospel, they should be accursed. That’s …
Jeremiah 18:1-6. We see Jeremiah watching the process of the potter. For us today, we are the clay and God is the potter. The potter molds and makes us into the vessels God desires, all the while getting rid of …
Ephesians 2:8-10. These verses teach us many things about our salvation and the role that good works plays in that.
Various Verses. We are told to believe in Jesus for everlasting life. Is that really all that’s needed? In today’s episode, we explore the question Is Belief Enough? What does the Scriptures say about our salvation?
2 Timothy 1:8-13. In these passages, we see a life lived in trust and obedience to God and His Calling. Are you growing in Christ through trials and afflictions? That is the only way to truly grow and know Jesus. …
Hebrews 4:14-16, these verses teach us that Jesus is our High Priest, who not only ascended to Heaven, but also understands our struggles. Because of His sacrifice, we can boldly come to God for help and comfort.
Hebrews 10:23. What is your hope and faith built on. If it’s built on anything but the Lord Jesus, then it’s built on the wrong things. Listen to this episode to see why it is so important to have your …
John 12:1-6, in today’s episode, we look at 3 people and talk about how to tell the real believers from the fake.
Romans 8:18, 35, 37-39. If you are going through a time of trial or testing of your faith, now is not the time to abandon your faith thinking that God doesn’t love you. Nothing is further from the truth. The …
Psalm 139. David concludes this Psalm with a prayer we all need to pray. By understanding that God knows everything about us, that God has known us from the womb, and we cannot escape the presence of God, this prayer …
Acts 2:37-38, Luke 9:57-62. In these passages of Scripture, we see two groups that heard the calling of Jesus, but only 1 of the groups responded. The other, wanted to come to Jesus on their terms, when they felt like …
Acts 19:18-29. Because people were responding to Paul’s message, the silversmiths and makers of the goddess Diana got upset. Don’t let what others think cause you to not repent.
Acts 8:9-25. Point 1 is “Once you repent, don’t try and connect the past with the future.” All too often, we try and hold on to little things that characterized our life before Christ. If we try and connect our …
Various. Taking a close look at several verses where we discover that we must prove our re
Various verses. Repentance is key to our relationship with the Lord. Today, let’s look at some verses that tell us important things about repentance.
Psalm 150. Praise is something you hear about, but maybe really don’t understand it. Praise is a vital part in the life of a Christian. Praise is where we lift up God and thank Him for what He’s done for …
Psalm 22:1-5, When was the last time you offered your praises to God? That is one sure fire way to stay focused in the middle of trials. In these verses, David helps us to keep focused on God during our …
John 3:16-19 KJV. Today, we are going to look at several verses that offer us insight into why people reject the message of God.
Romans 10:17, today we are looking at faith, and how to make sure our foundation of faith is strong and secure.
Romans 10:13-16, Paul addresses our calling to preach the Gospel. We need to preach the Gospel where God leads, yes, even on Social Media.
Titus 2:11-15, Paul is giving a quick lesson on the basics of the Christian faith. Listen for this great reminder of the basics of what we believe.
Titus 3:3-9, Paul is teaching us about who we were before Christ, who we are after Christ, and how to stay in Him .
Titus 1:10-16, Don’t let your faith be ruined by a false teacher. That is the message Paul was giving to a young preacher named Titus.
2 Timothy 3:1-7 & 10-15. Many people are content with having their own form of God. Yet, that isn’t going to get them anywhere. Find out what Paul told Timothy to help him live a godly life.
Ephesians 6:18-20. Paul is talking about a part of the Armor of God that many people overlook, or don’t associate with the spiritual armor.
Ephesians 6:14-15, in this episode we look at the first 3 pieces of this Spiritual armor that Paul is teaching us to put on each day.
Ephesians 6:10-13. Paul is revealing to us who our enemy truly is, and why it is important to put on our spiritual armor each and every day.
Various verses on Prayer from the book of Nehemiah.
Nehemiah 4:1-6. Opposition will come when you are doing what God called you to do. How do you handle it? Just like Nehemiah did. Listen in and find out how to handle opposition the Bible way.
Galatians 5:17, 24-25 & Romans 8:4-10.
2 Samuel 12 selected verses. In our reading today, we see when David sinned with Bathsheba. When confronted with his sin, David confessed it. What do you do when you get confronted with your sin?
John 8:1-11. Here, we read the story of the woman who was caught in adultery. Jesus knew her sin, yet He showed grace & compassion. He knows your sin as well, and still offers grace and forgiveness.
In today's episode, we reflect on John 14:1-6. Amidst the chaos and uncertainties of the world, Jesus' words offer comfort and reassurance. He tells us not to let our hearts be troubled, to believe in God, and also in Him. …
1 Corinthians 10:1-12, by looking at the example of the Israelites journey to the Promised Land, we can see that it was written for our example, so we can see the successes and failures on their journey. Take heed to …
1 Corinthians 10:21, This verse goes along with a saying I used to have, “You can’t be a Christian on Sunday and a sinner on Monday. Yet, all to often we try and do that exact thing.
1 Samuel 15:22, partial obedience is not true obedience. We must be obedient to the Lord. In this episode, I teach what Saul did wrong, and how you and I can become obedient to the Lord.
Joshua 1:6-9, Joshua had a monumental task ahead of him. God made it clear his mission and success hindered on one thing. Tune in to find out what Joshua had to make sure wasn’t overlooked.
Ephesians 6:10-13, we must be strong in our faith if we are going to stand up in this evil world. Paul advises us to put on the whole armor of God, and that is the only way we can stand. …
2 Corinthians 6:16-7:1. Pau is teaching us an important lessons about idols and how they should have no part in the life of a Christian. Much like our world today, Paul was walking around a town near Corinth that had …
Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus tells us to let our light shine, so that others can see our works and bring glory to God. All of us that have given our lives to Christ have the Light of God’s love inside us, …
Matthew 7:12, these verses are important because it teaches us how we are to treat others. This episode gives us a lot of practical insights into how we treat others.
Matthew 6:19-21, Jesus is teaching on the importance of properly placed wealth. If we want to Seek First the Kingdom of God, then we must build up a Heavenly wealth. The only way to do that is to the will …
Matthew 6:10. In this model prayer that Jesus taught us to pray, one of the phrases is to pray that the will of God is done on earth. We need to pray that the will of God is done on …
Today, we are looking at the topic of being Kingdom Minded. If you want to truly “Seek first the Kingdom of God,” then you must be kingdom minded. You can only be kingdom minded when you allow God to transform …
Matthew 6:33, no matter what is happening in your life right now, you’ve got to seek first the Kingdom of God. How can I do that? Today’s episode gives us five things we must do to seek the Kingdom of …
Acts 6:1-7, these verses teach us about delegation. Not everyone is cut out or called to do everything the church needs done. As the early church grew, a dispute broke out about the daily distribution of food. The 12 knew …
Selected Verses from Galatians 5. Paul teaches about the works of the flesh and how we have struggled to overcome them. He also teaches about the fruit of the Spirit, and how those qualities prove our faith. Which list, that …
1 Corinthians 10:7-11, these verses give us examples of thing ancient Israel did wrong, and the consequences they had. We can use these as examples and warnings to walk in the path God leads.
1 Corinthians 10:1-6, in these verses Paul reminds us several things about the Israelites as they journeyed from Egypt to the promised land. It would be best for us to heed what Paul writes here.
1 Kings 18:17-40, here we find Elijah standing up for God against the false prophets of his time. God is still looking for people to proclaim His Word in a lost world that is following false gods. Are you willing …
Numbers 13:26-14:3. The spies returned and laid out a not so great report of the Promised Land. All because they were fearful. Yes, they had obstacles they would work through to get the Promised Land. Just like you and me, …
Exodus 32:1-9, Here we Israel worship their created god, the golden calf. We may look with disdain at their example, but who, or what, have you placed in the spot that God should have in your life. The tabernacle was …
Selected Verses from Colossians 3. Today’s episode dives into Israel’s journey from Egypt to the Promised Land, teaching us about our own spiritual journey. Learn how change is a journey and why focusing on God is key.
Philippians 3:13. In our latest episode, we explore the importance of looking forward in our spiritual journey. The host shares relatable insights and personal anecdotes that will inspire you to leave the past behind and focus on the future God …
Are you placing your faith in the right place? In our latest episode, we explore the critical importance of who you follow in your spiritual journey. Drawing from the teachings of Apostle Paul, we discuss how easy it is to …
Luke 18:35-43, We see in these verses that healing comes by this. Blind Bartimeus got his healing because he wouldn’t let the tide of public opinion change his calling out to Jesus. Because of this, he got his healing. What …
Luke 13:1-9 Jesus is teaching the importance of repentance in our lives. Unless we repent of our sins, we will perish. Plain and simple.
Luke 7:18-24, in todays Bible reading, we see where John the Baptist, while in prison, sent two of his disciples to Jesus to find out if Jesus is indeed the Messiah, or if they should watch for another. Think of …
Luke 4:13, we learn in this verse that after the time of tempting Jesus was over, the devil left him alone for a season. Trials and temptations only last a season, and we must be ready to go through them …
Matthew 9:9-13, we see here the calling of Matthew as a disciple. We also see Jesus teaching an important lesson. We are called to repentance, meaning we are called to ask forgiveness of our sins, then turn and walk in …
Matthew 8:23-27, in these verses, we see Jesus and the disciples in a boat when a great storm arises and threatens to sink the ship. The disciples, out of fear, woke Jesus. He rebuked the storm and everything was calm. …
Matthew 3:1-2, 5-11, These verses introduce who we know as John the Baptist. He was the forerunner to Jesus, who preached repentance, who baptized Jesus. We can learn a lot from him, some of which we discover. In this episode, …
Mark 2:1-2 we see Jesus spending time at a house, and the news of his location spread through town, and the house was packed full with people wanting to see Jesus. What if Jesus showed up at a church this …
Mark 2:1-12, we see the story of a crippled man whose friends brought him to be healed by Jesus. Because of a huge crowd, they could not get to Jesus, but that did not deter his friends. Listen to this …
Today, I ask the question Was There a Fishing 101 class? Let me explain. We’re talking about our lives before and after Christ. Taking off the old life (before) and putting on the new (after). There is no middle ground. …
Acts 8:9-25 we read the story of Simon the Sorcerer. He got saved and baptized, then tried to purchase the gift of God, the Holy Spirit, so he could give out the Holy Spirit. He came from a life of …
Psalm 126:1-2, this Psalm gives us some tips to help you get your praise on. When was the last time you really praised God? Even more, when was the last time you told others about the good things that God …
Selected Verses, in this episode, I focus on reasons why we don’t tell others about Jesus. In John 14:12, Jesus declares that we will do the works He did, and greater works than those. By discovering what the will of …
Romans 8:26-27, if you are like me, sometimes I just don’t know how to pray. I don’t know what to pray for. But, as usual, we have good news in the Bible. Listen and discover what to do when you …
John 14:14 Jesus tells us to ask anything in His name and He will give it to us. Is Jesus really giving us a blank check to ask whatever we want? Is Jesus some kind of genie in the sky? …
John 13:34-35, Jesus is teaching His disciples an important lesson on love. We need to love others in the same way God loves us. Is that what you are doing today?
Mark 8:36-38, Jesus is challenging us with tough teaching for living. What can you or I offer to God in exchange for our souls?
Mark 8:36-38 gives us some tough teachings on life. Jesus challenges us to think about the way we are living our lives to make sure it lines up with the life God wants us to live.
2 Corinthians 2:14, this verse teaches us things to remember daily. As we strive to become authentic Christians, there are things that we need to do daily to help us live for Him. Listen now and discover 3 things that …
2 Corinthians 4:4, Paul teaches us that we are blinded by the devil if we don’t obey the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Luke 23:25 we see where the multitude desired the evil man Barabbas over Jesus. Here we are 2000 years later, and many times we pick the evil things over Jesus. Why is that? Listen to this episode and see 3 …
John 13:7 & 12, in these verses, Jesus is teaching His disciples that they may not understand what He is doing now, but one day they will. It’s the same with you and me. We don’t understand why we are …
1 Corinthians 15:58, these verses challenge us with characteristics that should be present in your life and mine. Are these found in your life?
Hosea 4:6-7. God has a stern warning for Israel concerning knowledge and their rejection of that knowledge. As a whole, we in America have also rejected the knowledge of God.
Matthew 16:18, Jesus is talking about faith. Today, we can see the evidence of Jesus and His work in the world, but we can’t see Jesus in the flesh. That is where faith steps in. Through the Bible, we can …
John 2:17 & 22, In these two verses of Scripture, we can find the same exact phrase, “And His disciples remembered.” We see two of the workings of the Holy Spirit, one of them being to bring things to our …
John 2:14-17, in these verses, we see a glimpse into things that Jesus really cares about. He went to the temple and found people selling and buying and exchanging money. He made a whip and drove them out, overturning their …
John 2:12-22, in this episode we study about the time Jesus Cracks The Whip. He went to the temple and found it overrun with people selling things and changing money. He cracks the whip and chases them out of the …
Matthew 21:1-11, In these passages we see the multitudes praising and worshipping Jesus as He entered Jerusalem on a donkey. Today, we call this day Palm Sunday, because people were raising their palms in praise to Jesus. What happened just …
Selected verses from the Gospel of Matthew chapters 26-27 and the Gospel of John chapters 12 and 13. Judas put a price on the head of Jesus to betray Him. What is the price you put on His head? It …
Selected Verses from Matthew 24. Is the end coming on April 8, 2024? Maybe. The fact is, no one living on this earth knows that answer for 100%. Could Jesus return April 8? Yes, He could. Could He return today? …
In Psalm 34:12-24 David gives us several characteristics of a Christian. Things we must do if we want to live the life that God desires each of us to live. Are these characteristics found in your life?
Selected Verses in Luke 22 and John 18, Think you have a strong faith in Jesus? Don’t be so sure. The devil is waiting to see what your faith is really made of.
Luke 22:35-38, we must be prepared for the coming persecution and end times.
1 Kings 19:1-8, we see in these verses the power of rest. When was the last time you had a good nights sleep? Give God your worries and fears and troubles. Allow Him to give you rest.
Matthew 7:13-20, here in these verses, we see two questions for life, two questions we must answer that will ensure we have life with Jesus.
Matthew 7:21-23, Here Jesus is teaching us that everybody is not what they seem to be. That is why we need to judge the fruit that they bear. We need to test the spirits.
Matthew 7:15-20, here Jesus is teaching us to Test the Fruits. Not everyone who walks into church claiming to be a “missionary” or a “preacher” is actually one. We need to examine their fruits to see if they are true …
In Matthew 7:1-6, Jesus is challenging us to Judge Yourself First. Before we can share our faith with others, we must make sure our sin is dealt with. Is there any uncontested sin in your life? Why not ask God, …
In Matthew 6:24-34 Jesus asks Why worry? Jesus teaches us that worry is not part of the Kingdom of God, therefore, we should not worry about things. As we grow in our walk with Jesus, worry should become a thing …
Matthew 6:22-23, Jesus is asking us an important question, Where is YOUR Focus? What things are you focused on? Are you focused on this things of God, or the things of this world?
Matthew 6:19-21 Jesus asks Where is YOUR treasure? Is your treasure built around the things of this world, or the things of God and His Kingdom? Make sure your treasure is not built on the wrong things Check out today’s …
Matthew 5:13-16. Jesus is teaching about salt and light. We, his followers, are salt and light.
Matthew 5:38-42. Here, Jesus is teaching about paybacks, or retaliation. It’s natural for us to payback someone evil for evil, but that is not what Jesus taught us. Instead, we need to do this. Listen to todays episode.
John 82-12. In these verses, we see someone caught in sin. Caught in the very act of sin, then dragged to Jesus to see what should be done. Can you imagine if that was to happen to us today? Jesus …
Matthew 5:27-32. Watch your desires is the topic of these verses. These verses specifically discuss things that are very relevant to our world today. The topics are adultery and divorce. Find out how to keep from adultery and divorce in …
Matthew 5:20. I firmly believe the Pharisee spirit is still alive and well in the world today. Jesus warned us about the Pharisees, and even had choice words to say about them. Find out the dangers of the Pharisee in …
Matthew 5:43-48. In Backwards Ideas About Loving Others, we look at how Jesus says we must love others. Are you ready to go the second mile in your walk with Jesus?
Philippians 3:13-14. One Thing Paul Wanted was to be more like Christ. So much so that he was willing to loose all he gained in life for Jesus. He wanted an intimate relationship with Jesus. Is that your desire today?
Psalm 27:4. In One Thing Davids Desire, we look at the One Thing David sought after and desired in his life. Listen to this episode to discover what it is and why it is important to us today.
Psalm 27:1. In a world that seems to be losing confidence in itself, we can have confidence in God. In verse 1 of Psalm 27, we see David’s secret to having confidence in God.
Today, we continue talking about how to build a rock solid faith that will not be prone to unbelief. We talk about faith and works. They go together like peanut butter and jelly. You can’t develop a strong faith unless …
John 4:46-53. What is it going to take for you to believe? For many, it takes a sign. Something they can visually see or hear with their own ears. Jesus teaches that we must believe, that means have faith in …
1 Peter 2:12. As Christians, we play a special role living in the world. We are to let our light shine in the world (Matthew 5:16). We need to live in such a way so that others see Jesus in …
Psalm. 91:2-3. The LORD God is our safe place. He is our protector and He is our deliverer. Will you run and stay close to our Safe Place?
In today’s episode, I teach from several Verses that teach us how to Keep a Strong Faith. We need a strong faith to make sure we don’t abandon that faith.
We had a big snow in East Tennessee last week. In fact, it’s still laying around today. While I was driving to work, I noticed cars abandoned on the side of the road. With the big snow and ice, some …
Today we look at several passage of Scripture in search for the answer to Is Bible Study Important? I hope, after you listen to the passages presented, you will agree with me that Bible Study is important to us today.
Joshua 1:6-9. In His instructions to Joshua, God gives us the recipe for true success. By following God’s instructions, Joshua would accomplish the mission God gave him. If he failed to follow His instructions, then Joshua would have failed at …
Deuteronomy 31:8. In these verses, Moses is giving Joshua promises to count on. These are promises that will never be broken, the very promises of God. And, I believe, are as relevant to us today as they were to Joshua.
Genesis 28:15-16. Jacob realized the presence of the Lord was in the place he was, and he declared I Knew It Not. The Lord is with you, even in places you don’t expect Him to be at.
John 12:27-28. In these verses, we see a trial prayer that we can use when we go through time of testing. Jesus makes an astonishing statement here, then reveals the proper prayer we should use in our trials.
Acts 5:28-33. It’s important in life to take wise counsel. The religious leaders in their time was so furious with Peter and John that they sought to kill them. Yet, one of their own, cautioned against it and provided the …
Acts 4:14-20. Can people tell that you had been with Jesus? Peter and John displayed great boldness during their encounter with the religious leaders, despite their threats. How can we be bold in our world today?
Acts 4:13. Can people tell that you have been with Jesus? The religious leaders of their time noted that Peter and John had been with Jesus. If you were on trial today, is there enough evidence that you had been …
Mark 6:1-8. None of us like to hear the word “Rejected.”It points to being alone, loneliness, not following. In His hometown, Jesus was rejected, because the people failed to see Jesus for who He is.
2 Peter 3:14-18. We must make sure we do not fall victim to false teachers and false doctrines. Peter warns us, in these verses, that people will twist around the Bible leading to their destruction. The only way to make …
Luke 2:1-20, Matthew 2:1-12. Merry Christmas! Reading of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 23:1-7. The question Are You a Pharisee is one we must ask ourselves often. Without realizing it, we can slip into Phariseeism without realizing it. In these passages, Jesus teaches us what to watch out for so we don’t …
Selected verses in Matthew 6. But in Secret, that is how we are to do our spiritual acts, like giving, praying and fasting. Why does Jesus emphasize doing these things in secret, rather than publicly? Because we would end up …
Mark 12:41-44. The widow gave it all to the temple treasury. What things are we withholding from God?
Mark 12:13-17. What Does God Require is an age old question that many of us tend to struggle with. After all, there is teachings for and against just about every act in the Bible. Today, we are going to look …
Haggai 1:2-11. Twice, God warned the people of Jerusalem to Consider Your Ways. the temple of God was in ruins while they were rebuilding their homes and lives ad possessions. Like us today, they were putting things ahead of God. …