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May 31, 2023

episode 1924: When your prayers go unanswered p 2

episode 1924: When your prayers go unanswered p 2

James 4:2-4

James 4:2-4


It's time to kickstart your day. With ScriptureLinks, Daily Dose of Inspiration.


Good morning and welcome to this brand new day. This is ScriptureLinks Daily Dose of Inspiration for Wednesday May 31 2023. As you wake up and you start this brand new day. Thank God for this day, and commit this day unto Him, and use this day to bring glory and honor to our Lord and use this day to share your faith with someone and encourage somebody and while you're out and about today, take some time and give God praise because he is worthy of our praise. He is worthy of our worship.

He's worthy of our Thanksgiving. Today is National Smile Day so why don't you wear that smile today?

You know, smile at people just just have a smile. that just makes things a lot more pleasant. You know, I remember in training when I worked for Chick fil A Incorporated, one of the things they always taught us was that if you smile, people can't get mad. So take some time and smile today. Okay. Our scripture reading today is taken out of the book of  James chapter number four, verses two and three.

Scripture says “Ye lust, and have not: ye kill and desire to have and cannot obtain: ye fight and war. Yet ye have  not because he asked not. Ye ask, and  receive not because he ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts”. Friends are looking today and yesterday and probably tomorrow at the topic of reasons why our prayers go unanswered. And we looked yesterday and saw that if we our prayers are going unanswered that chances are we have a faith that wavers or we're double minded. And today we see the next one that that we came up with. In that we asked amiss.  we don't know how to ask in verse number two verses one and two specifically, he's talking about where wars and fightings come from among us. And I want us to focus in on the last sentence in that verse. Because the rest of the verse is talking about where wars come from. Then he says You have not because he asked not. In other words is all these wars out there and it's coming from the list that we have and we must we don't have we kill and desire to have we cannot have so we fight and war yet we have not because we asked not.

That could be another reason why your prayers get answered. You're not asking for anything. You're not asking God for stuff.

I know people that are great prayer warriors and their their prayer list is multi pages in a notebook. And I know people that struggle with prayer

but but James teaching is here we have not because we asked not. And if we ask, he says in verse three ye asked and received not because he asked amiss In other words, we're not asking for the right thing.

You know what, then to finish that up he says that you may consume it upon your luatwhich are causing fightings and wars among us.

He says we ask amiss that we may consume it upon our list.

You see when we pray?

We need to be asking God things like let's let's look at Matthew chapter six.

Matthew chapter six, the Lord's Prayer. I'm still working on putting a series together for this so we can study through this again

in Matthew chapter six, verses nine to 13. We get the sample prayer we get this idea of how to pray here.

He says after this manner, therefore pray your Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Alright, stop right there. That's one thing we need to be praying for. That God's will will be done on earth in my life in your life in America.

We gotta be praying for God's will to be done.

And he says Give us this day, our daily bread.

We need to be asking God to meet our needs each day. This is a Forgive us our debts as we've also as we forgive our debtors. Ask God for forgiveness, forgiveness, since forgiveness for our trespasses, asking for that forgiveness. Those are the example of three things we need to be praying for.

But James says we asked amiss, that we may consume it upon our list.

Our prayers are focused more on what our wants and our desires are, instead of what God wants and God’s desires for our lives. Maybe that's why your prayers not getting answered because you're asking for things you don't need because he shouldn't have those those feelings shouldn't have those desires. This isn’t coming out exactly right, but I think you gets the picture.

So friends, if your prayers going on answered, why don't you pray and try rewording  your prayer. Try asking God to direct your prayer

so that you can get the things that you need to live the Christian life. Think about that as you go through the day and remember getinto God's word and allow God's word to get into you and then share that word with someone today. Have a blessed day.

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