Again, selected verses. Are you truly a saved, disciple of Jesus?
Selected verses. Salvation is a gift from God, discipleship is what we are called to. Is the faith you claim to have a faith that can move you to do what God has called, or one that can’t move you out of your seat?
Selected verses from Matthew, Mark and Luke.
Philippians 3:3-10. Tough Teaching Alert. This episode is not for the faint of heart. Paul is teaching us that everything he attained in life, he looks at as dung, for the knowledge of Jesus. Paul put it all on the line for Jesus, are you willing to...
Selected verses from Acts 7, 8, 9. Paul, on his way to Damascus to arrest Christians, had a life changing encounter with Jesus. That encounter got him on the right path.
Matthew 25:31-46. In these passages, we get a glimpse into the Judgment, the end of time. We will ALL stand before the Lord. That is not the time to find out you were on the wrong track, the wrong path. Take time today, I plead with you, to make sure...
Psalm 143:10. When was the last time you asked God to teach you something?
Ephesians 6:10, Acts 19:11-16. We can only stand up to the snares of satan when we stand strong in our faith in God. Without God, we are no match for the devil.
Luke 18:18-24. Yesterday we talked about the importance of confessing our sins. Today, we will study about a man who thought he had no sins. Don’t be like this guy.
1 John 1:9. The Bible makes it simple. Unfortunately we don’t want to believe it. We are told we are deceiving ourselves if we don’t believe it, and even calling God a liar if we don’t believe it. What am I talking about? Listen and find out. Let’s...
Luke 16:5. God knows your heart. He knows what makes you tick. While we may try and fool people into thinking we are right with God, God will not be fooled.
Luke 16:19-31. It seems like every day someone is saying that they went to Heaven or Hell and have come back to tell us about the experience. The Bible teaches something different, as we see in these verses. Instead of trusting these false examples,...
Matthew 10:6. This verse is part of the model prayer that Jesus was teaching us to use. We need to, not only pray for the will of God, but put into practice in our lives the will of God.
Ephesians 6:10-13. Like I had said previously, each of us are in a spiritual battle. It’s a battle for your very soul. Since you are in battle, you must know who the enemy is. Listen now as we talk about who our true enemy is, as well as a few other...
2 Corinthians 10:5. Whether you know it, or admit it, we are in a spiritual battle each and every day of our lives. In today’s Bible reading, Paul gives us some things we must do if we want to win the battle. This is important, you may want to jot...