Selected Verses, in this episode, I focus on reasons why we don’t tell others about Jesus. In John 14:12, Jesus declares that we will do the works He did, and greater works than those. By discovering what the will of God is, we see the works that...
Romans 8:26-27, if you are like me, sometimes I just don’t know how to pray. I don’t know what to pray for. But, as usual, we have good news in the Bible. Listen and discover what to do when you don’t know what to pray.
John 13:34-35, Jesus is teaching His disciples an important lesson on love. We need to love others in the same way God loves us. Is that what you are doing today?
Mark 8:36-38, Jesus is challenging us with tough teaching for living. What can you or I offer to God in exchange for our souls?
Mark 8:36-38 gives us some tough teachings on life. Jesus challenges us to think about the way we are living our lives to make sure it lines up with the life God wants us to live.
2 Corinthians 2:14, this verse teaches us things to remember daily. As we strive to become authentic Christians, there are things that we need to do daily to help us live for Him. Listen now and discover 3 things that should be part of your daily life.
2 Corinthians 4:4, Paul teaches us that we are blinded by the devil if we don’t obey the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Luke 23:25 we see where the multitude desired the evil man Barabbas over Jesus. Here we are 2000 years later, and many times we pick the evil things over Jesus. Why is that? Listen to this episode and see 3 reasons why I believe we take the evil...
John 2:17 & 22, In these two verses of Scripture, we can find the same exact phrase, “And His disciples remembered.” We see two of the workings of the Holy Spirit, one of them being to bring things to our remembrance. That is why I constantly preach...
John 2:14-17, in these verses, we see a glimpse into things that Jesus really cares about. He went to the temple and found people selling and buying and exchanging money. He made a whip and drove them out, overturning their tables and everything. What...
John 2:12-22, in this episode we study about the time Jesus Cracks The Whip. He went to the temple and found it overrun with people selling things and changing money. He cracks the whip and chases them out of the temple. What would Jesus do if He...
Matthew 21:1-11, In these passages we see the multitudes praising and worshipping Jesus as He entered Jerusalem on a donkey. Today, we call this day Palm Sunday, because people were raising their palms in praise to Jesus. What happened just a few days...
Selected verses from the Gospel of Matthew chapters 26-27 and the Gospel of John chapters 12 and 13. Judas put a price on the head of Jesus to betray Him. What is the price you put on His head? It might not be as much as you think.
In Psalm 34:12-24 David gives us several characteristics of a Christian. Things we must do if we want to live the life that God desires each of us to live. Are these characteristics found in your life?
Luke 22:35-38, we must be prepared for the coming persecution and end times.