Luke 16:5. God knows your heart. He knows what makes you tick. While we may try and fool people into thinking we are right with God, God will not be fooled.
Luke 16:19-31. It seems like every day someone is saying that they went to Heaven or Hell and have come back to tell us about the experience. The Bible teaches something different, as we see in these verses. Instead of trusting these false examples,...
Ephesians 6:10-13. Like I had said previously, each of us are in a spiritual battle. It’s a battle for your very soul. Since you are in battle, you must know who the enemy is. Listen now as we talk about who our true enemy is, as well as a few other...
2 Corinthians 10:5. Whether you know it, or admit it, we are in a spiritual battle each and every day of our lives. In today’s Bible reading, Paul gives us some things we must do if we want to win the battle. This is important, you may want to jot...
Psalm 62:5-7. In today’s reading, we see that we need to trust only in God. So often, we try to put our trust in other things, but those other things ultimately fail. God will not fail us. Try putting your trust in Him.
Nehemiah 6:16. I tells a lot about someone the way they react to changes someone is trying to make. We need to support one other and encourage on another as we go through this life day by day. Who can you encourage today?
Nehemiah 6:3. We live in a world full of distractions. These distractions cause us to mess up our tasks, cause us to fall behind and cause us to stumble and fall.
2 Peter 3:9. No, the Lord is not slow or slack concerning the End Times. Instead, He is trying to give as many people as possible a chance to repent of their sins. Thank God for His goodness.
Mark 10:46-52. A couple weeks ago, I did a broadcast about how important your friends are. Today, we are tightening a bit and discovering that those around us have an impact on our lives as well.
Mark 1:40-45. In Matthew 6, Jesus challenges our acts like giving, praying and fasting. He questions if we are doing it to bring glory to ourselves or glory to God. In our reading today, Jesus heals a man who was a leper. He warned him not to tell...
Mark 1:35-39. We got to stay on track, doing the things God has called us to do. All to often, we stumble, or get side tracked and lose our way. In today’s episode, I’ll give you 3 things to know so you will not get side tracked in your day to day...
Mark 2:1-5, 12. The man in our reading today needed healing. He had friends who would stop at nothing to get him to the feet of Jesus, so he could be healed. Are you a friend to someone like that? Are you stopping at nothing to get someone else the...
Mark 9:14-29. I am sure many of us has been in the shoes of this father. Only wanting a healing that seems to be impossible for his child. Oftentimes, the answer to our prayers depends on the faith we have. Is your faith strong enough to do the...
John 20:24-29. We all know someone like this. Someone who will not believe anything unless they have seen it for themselves. In today’s episode, we take a look at who, today, we call Doubting Thomas. See the similarities between us and Doubting Thomas.
1 John 1:1-4. Some people in our lives will not believe anything unless they see it with their own eyes. While that may not necessarily be bad, it can be detrimental. We may not have seen Jesus face to face, but most of us has seen His work in their...