Matthew 5:43-48. In Backwards Ideas About Loving Others, we look at how Jesus says we must love others. Are you ready to go the second mile in your walk with Jesus?
Philippians 3:13-14. One Thing Paul Wanted was to be more like Christ. So much so that he was willing to loose all he gained in life for Jesus. He wanted an intimate relationship with Jesus. Is that your desire today?
1 Peter 2:12. As Christians, we play a special role living in the world. We are to let our light shine in the world (Matthew 5:16). We need to live in such a way so that others see Jesus in us. Is that the way you are living your life today? We need...
Today we look at several passage of Scripture in search for the answer to Is Bible Study Important? I hope, after you listen to the passages presented, you will agree with me that Bible Study is important to us today.
Joshua 1:6-9. In His instructions to Joshua, God gives us the recipe for true success. By following God’s instructions, Joshua would accomplish the mission God gave him. If he failed to follow His instructions, then Joshua would have failed at his...
Deuteronomy 31:8. In these verses, Moses is giving Joshua promises to count on. These are promises that will never be broken, the very promises of God. And, I believe, are as relevant to us today as they were to Joshua.
John 12:27-28. In these verses, we see a trial prayer that we can use when we go through time of testing. Jesus makes an astonishing statement here, then reveals the proper prayer we should use in our trials.
Acts 4:14-20. Can people tell that you had been with Jesus? Peter and John displayed great boldness during their encounter with the religious leaders, despite their threats. How can we be bold in our world today?
Mark 6:1-8. None of us like to hear the word “Rejected.”It points to being alone, loneliness, not following. In His hometown, Jesus was rejected, because the people failed to see Jesus for who He is.
Matthew 23:1-7. The question Are You a Pharisee is one we must ask ourselves often. Without realizing it, we can slip into Phariseeism without realizing it. In these passages, Jesus teaches us what to watch out for so we don’t become like the...
Selected verses in Matthew 6. But in Secret, that is how we are to do our spiritual acts, like giving, praying and fasting. Why does Jesus emphasize doing these things in secret, rather than publicly? Because we would end up striving for the approval...
Mark 12:41-44. The widow gave it all to the temple treasury. What things are we withholding from God?
Haggai 1:2-11. Twice, God warned the people of Jerusalem to Consider Your Ways. the temple of God was in ruins while they were rebuilding their homes and lives ad possessions. Like us today, they were putting things ahead of God. take a few minutes...
Matthew 13:31-32. Our faith is like the mustard seed in this parable. We must allow our faith to grow, we must not allow it to be stagnant.