Today, we take time and see what happens to Peter after he denied Jesus.
Did you know that God disciplines us? Yes, that is a fact. Many people don’t talk about that, but it’s a vital part of our walk with the Lord. We’ll talk about the purpose of that discipline, and look at a few examples of the discipline in real life.
Ephesians 5:8, 10-11. Paul is teaching us some important lessons in the way we live our life. We must walk as the children of God, but all too often, we walk as though we are still living in sin. That must not be so. Instead, walk like this…..
Today, we look a various verses, mostly in the life and ministry of Paul, and see that each of us is put in our place for a reason. The reason: to let your light shine before others. Are you letting your light shine?
Paul said that there would come a day where people would be satisfied with a form of godliness. I firmly believe that day is now. In this episode, I talk about the dangers of being satisfied with a form of godliness. You’ll be challenged to know if...
In the year 2025, will you join me as I desire to become more Christ-like. It means that I am going to get serious about my faith, and work on developing an intimate relationship with Jesus. What are some things we can expect to happen when we do...
Luke 7:1-10. Here, we study an unexpected request from an unlikely source. A Roman centurion asked Jesus to heal his servant. It was a great display of faith like Jesus had never seen. In this episode, we will look at 3 things we need to apply from...
Ephesians 2:8-10. These verses teach us many things about our salvation and the role that good works plays in that.
Hebrews 4:14-16, these verses teach us that Jesus is our High Priest, who not only ascended to Heaven, but also understands our struggles. Because of His sacrifice, we can boldly come to God for help and comfort.
Psalm 139. David concludes this Psalm with a prayer we all need to pray. By understanding that God knows everything about us, that God has known us from the womb, and we cannot escape the presence of God, this prayer becomes more and more important to...
Titus 3:3-9, Paul is teaching us about who we were before Christ, who we are after Christ, and how to stay in Him .
Galatians 5:17, 24-25 & Romans 8:4-10.
1 Corinthians 10:1-12, by looking at the example of the Israelites journey to the Promised Land, we can see that it was written for our example, so we can see the successes and failures on their journey. Take heed to what they experienced.
Ephesians 6:10-13, we must be strong in our faith if we are going to stand up in this evil world. Paul advises us to put on the whole armor of God, and that is the only way we can stand. Have you put on your armor today?
Selected Verses from Galatians 5. Paul teaches about the works of the flesh and how we have struggled to overcome them. He also teaches about the fruit of the Spirit, and how those qualities prove our faith. Which list, that Paul writes about, has...