Philippians 3:13. In our latest episode, we explore the importance of looking forward in our spiritual journey. The host shares relatable insights and personal anecdotes that will inspire you to leave the past behind and focus on the future God has planned for you. Dive into this episode to strengt…
Luke 24:11, 1 Corinthians 1:18, 22-24.
Matthew 9:9-13, we see here the calling of Matthew as a disciple. We also see Jesus teaching an important lesson. We are called to repentance, meaning we are called to ask forgiveness of our sins, then turn and walk in a different way than before....
Acts 8:9-25 we read the story of Simon the Sorcerer. He got saved and baptized, then tried to purchase the gift of God, the Holy Spirit, so he could give out the Holy Spirit. He came from a life of magic and sorcery, and many people felt he had power...
Luke 23:25 we see where the multitude desired the evil man Barabbas over Jesus. Here we are 2000 years later, and many times we pick the evil things over Jesus. Why is that? Listen to this episode and see 3 reasons why I believe we take the evil...
In Psalm 34:12-24 David gives us several characteristics of a Christian. Things we must do if we want to live the life that God desires each of us to live. Are these characteristics found in your life?
Luke 22:35-38, we must be prepared for the coming persecution and end times.
1 Peter 2:12. As Christians, we play a special role living in the world. We are to let our light shine in the world (Matthew 5:16). We need to live in such a way so that others see Jesus in us. Is that the way you are living your life today? We need...
In today’s episode, I teach from several Verses that teach us how to Keep a Strong Faith. We need a strong faith to make sure we don’t abandon that faith.
Genesis 28:15-16. Jacob realized the presence of the Lord was in the place he was, and he declared I Knew It Not. The Lord is with you, even in places you don’t expect Him to be at.
Acts 4:13. Can people tell that you have been with Jesus? The religious leaders of their time noted that Peter and John had been with Jesus. If you were on trial today, is there enough evidence that you had been with Jesus to convict you?
Matthew 23:1-7. The question Are You a Pharisee is one we must ask ourselves often. Without realizing it, we can slip into Phariseeism without realizing it. In these passages, Jesus teaches us what to watch out for so we don’t become like the...
Haggai 1:2-11. Twice, God warned the people of Jerusalem to Consider Your Ways. the temple of God was in ruins while they were rebuilding their homes and lives ad possessions. Like us today, they were putting things ahead of God. take a few minutes...
Proverbs 28:9. Do not to turn away from following the laws of God. Even in the New Testament, we are called by Jesus to follow His commands.