Looking in the books of Isaiah and Nehemiah in the Old Testament, we can see where God was confronting a sinful Judah and Israel that looks a lot like America today. We also see where the nation returned to God after their captivity, after their...
Today, we look at 1 Corinthians 1:18-22 where Paul is asking a vital question for us to consider. For you, is the cross of Jesus foolishness or the power of God demonstrated? So many people today are looking for signs that what we read in the Bible is...
For the Christian, we must realize that God is working in each one of us to make us who He wants us to be. Are you allowing God to do the work in your life He needs to do, or are you blocking Him?
Paul said that there would come a day where people would be satisfied with a form of godliness. I firmly believe that day is now. In this episode, I talk about the dangers of being satisfied with a form of godliness. You’ll be challenged to know if...
There are many more, but today we look at 3 ways that we can be faithful to God. Three steps that will help us be faithful to God. Three areas that, to be honest, many of us miss the mark. Listen in and see what areas you might be missing the mark in.
Today, we are studying Hebrews 3:2,5. In these verses, the writer of Hebrews is showing how both Jesus and Moses were faithful to God. It’s a pattern that you and I need to imitate. God is faithful to us, but are we faithful to God?
Today, I am talking about our speech. Does your speech reflect the ways of this world, or the ways of God? We are told several times in the Bible to not “let filthy communication come out of your mouth.” We are also told that we can’t praise God and...
Today, we look at the topic of the New Year. The New Year brings a feeling of newness, of a fresh start. Many of you will make Resolutions for the New Year, something that you want to change about yourself. Paul teaches in many places throughou
In the year 2025, will you join me as I desire to become more Christ-like. It means that I am going to get serious about my faith, and work on developing an intimate relationship with Jesus. What are some things we can expect to happen when we do...
Various verses. Paul was willing to forgo everything that made up his pedigree for the sake of Jesus. The religious leaders of Jesus’ time loved the praise of men rather than God. Which is more like the way you live your life?
Various verses. Today, we study about chains and the bondage they create. Many of us either were, or still are in bondage today. We need the chains of sin broken. How? Through Jesus of course. We discuss what you and I need to do to either break our...
Various verses. Today we talk about love and peace. We are talking about verse 3 of the Christmas hymn O Holy Night. As Christians, we must show the same love to others that God shows to us.
Someone on social media recently said that a Christian cannot sing the song O Holy Night if they are not going to live out the third verse. We will spend the next few days seeing what the third verse says and how we need to apply it to our lives.
Various Verses. Anxiety can be a killer, and so many of us struggle with anxiety when we don’t have to. God cares about You, and the anxiety you struggle with. Give the anxiety to God, let Him deal with it while you receive the rest you deserve that...
Numbers 11:10-15. Moses had enough and he let God know how he felt. Sometimes, we need to get things off our chest, so that it doesn’t cause a rift between you and God.