In todays episode, we talk about telling others about Jesus. We need to keep spreading out the message of the cross. We need to keep telling others about salvation that is available only through Jesus. We need to do that, even when we don’t feel like...
Today, we look at 1 Corinthians 1:18-22 where Paul is asking a vital question for us to consider. For you, is the cross of Jesus foolishness or the power of God demonstrated? So many people today are looking for signs that what we read in the Bible is...
For the Christian, we must realize that God is working in each one of us to make us who He wants us to be. Are you allowing God to do the work in your life He needs to do, or are you blocking Him?
There are many more, but today we look at 3 ways that we can be faithful to God. Three steps that will help us be faithful to God. Three areas that, to be honest, many of us miss the mark. Listen in and see what areas you might be missing the mark in.
Today, we are studying Hebrews 3:2,5. In these verses, the writer of Hebrews is showing how both Jesus and Moses were faithful to God. It’s a pattern that you and I need to imitate. God is faithful to us, but are we faithful to God?
Various verses. Paul was willing to forgo everything that made up his pedigree for the sake of Jesus. The religious leaders of Jesus’ time loved the praise of men rather than God. Which is more like the way you live your life?
Various verses. Today, we study about chains and the bondage they create. Many of us either were, or still are in bondage today. We need the chains of sin broken. How? Through Jesus of course. We discuss what you and I need to do to either break our...
Someone on social media recently said that a Christian cannot sing the song O Holy Night if they are not going to live out the third verse. We will spend the next few days seeing what the third verse says and how we need to apply it to our lives.
Various. I was browsing on social media the other day, and I saw two or three posts that asked the same question. Join us as we browse reasons why we shove our faith down others throats.
Jeremiah 18:1-6. We see Jeremiah watching the process of the potter. For us today, we are the clay and God is the potter. The potter molds and makes us into the vessels God desires, all the while getting rid of the imperfections, and weaknesses.
Ephesians 2:8-10. These verses teach us many things about our salvation and the role that good works plays in that.
2 Timothy 1:8-13. In these passages, we see a life lived in trust and obedience to God and His Calling. Are you growing in Christ through trials and afflictions? That is the only way to truly grow and know Jesus. Are you ready to follow Him no matter...
Romans 10:13-16, Paul addresses our calling to preach the Gospel. We need to preach the Gospel where God leads, yes, even on Social Media.
Titus 3:3-9, Paul is teaching us about who we were before Christ, who we are after Christ, and how to stay in Him .
2 Timothy 3:1-7 & 10-15. Many people are content with having their own form of God. Yet, that isn’t going to get them anywhere. Find out what Paul told Timothy to help him live a godly life.