Zephaniah 2:3 and other selected verses. Zephaniah tells us to seek these things if we want a solid relationship with God.
Proverbs 21:2 and other selected verses. It's not your eyes that matter talk about how we often times do not see the error of our ways. We discuss some things that will help us stay on track with Jesus.
Matthew 16:13-17 & 21-23. On todays episode, we look at someone who was using their spiritual eyes, and someone who was not.
This episode, End Time Encouragement, looks a 2 Timothy 4:7-8. Paul leaves Timothy encouragement to keep our focus on Jesus.
Selected verses from Acts 7-9 and Philippians 3:4-6. Think about this. Paul was doing what he thought God wanted him to do. Only to find out he was not doing the will of God. How many of us can relate? Echo the words of Paul and ask, “What will you...
2 Corinthians 10;3-7. Paul is teaching us about our spiritual weapons that we must use to defeat Satan.
1 Corinthians 14:19/15:1-9. Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ is something each and every believer has to do. It’s a direct command from Jesus. Yet, so many of us don’t share the Gospel. Paul gives us instruction on sharing the Gospel. Look at Paul’s...
Today, we take a good, hard look at the topic of love. Specifically, our love for others. How would you rate your love for others?
Today, we take a look at the spirit of Power. It’s the first thing Paul lists. God has given us power to do many things. In this episode I take a look at just 3 things I believe God has given us power to do.
2 Timothy 1:7. Today, we focus on what God has not given to us: A spirit of Fear. Fear should not be a part of our life in Jesus. Fear keeps us from doing what we are called to do. Fear paralyzes our faith. Don’t let fear keep you from doing what God...
1 Samuel 3:2-10, 19. Several times, Samuel heard someone calling. It wasn’t until Eli told him to respond with “Speak, Lord, for your servant listens.” Many of us could not respond that way because we are not listening for the voice of God. God is...
Mark 4:35-41. If Jesus has given you direction for your walk with Him, then you can trust that you will make it to your destination. No matter the trials or storms you will face, if Jesus said it, you can trust that He will get you there. Don’t let...
Selected verses from 1 Samuel 15. God desires 100% obedience from us. Do we follow God 100%, or do we do just enough to get by? To not fully obey God means disobedience, and disobedience has a price. For Saul, that price was loss of his kingdom.
James 1:26-27. In todays episode, we look at the religion that is acceptable unto God. It’s one where we go out, helping to meet the needs of others, where we keep ourselves from being influenced by the world.
In today’s episode, we look at three examples in the Bible of people who were hiding from God instead of doing what God had told them to do. If you are hiding from God today, please, pray and get things right with Him.