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Encouragement Episodes

July 5, 2023

Episode 1946 - keep your eyes on Jesus all the time

Matthew 14:22-32. Here, we read the account of Peter walking on water towards Jesus. All was fine until Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and looked at what was going on around him. He then sunk. That happens to all of us when we focus on things...

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June 6, 2023

Episode 1928 - Is there a change part 2

Luke 19:1-10. Today we are studying Zaccheus. This man was a publican (tax collector) and probably one of the most hated people in the city. Yet, Jesus still abode at his house. As a result, Zaccheus was converted, and his conversion was proven by his...

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June 2, 2023

Episode 1926 - Do Not Let The Devil Scare You

Selected verses from 1 Kings 18 & 19. The devil may have a big, nasty bark. But, for the Christian, he has no bite. Don’t let the devil keep you from doing the work God has for you.

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April 24, 2023

Episode 1905 - Lean on God

Psalm 62:5-7. In today’s reading, we see that we need to trust only in God. So often, we try to put our trust in other things, but those other things ultimately fail. God will not fail us. Try putting your trust in Him.

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April 21, 2023

Episode 1904 - When people expect you to fail

Nehemiah 6:16. I tells a lot about someone the way they react to changes someone is trying to make. We need to support one other and encourage on another as we go through this life day by day. Who can you encourage today?

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