Matthew 6:19-21 Jesus asks Where is YOUR treasure? Is your treasure built around the things of this world, or the things of God and His Kingdom? Make sure your treasure is not built on the wrong things Check out today’s episode.
Matthew 5:13-16. Jesus is teaching about salt and light. We, his followers, are salt and light.
Matthew 5:38-42. Here, Jesus is teaching about paybacks, or retaliation. It’s natural for us to payback someone evil for evil, but that is not what Jesus taught us. Instead, we need to do this. Listen to todays episode.
Matthew 5:33-37. Here, Jesus is teaching us to make no promises. God knows full well that most promises we make, we have absolutely no intention of keeping. That is why He teaches us that a simple Yes! Or No! Will be sufficient.
Matthew 5:27-32. Watch your desires is the topic of these verses. These verses specifically discuss things that are very relevant to our world today. The topics are adultery and divorce. Find out how to keep from adultery and divorce in your life.
Matthew 5:2-26. In these verses, we see a wrong kind of anger. It is an anger that destroys relationships. It’s the kind of anger that damages our relationship with God. Are you harboring the wrong kind of anger?
Matthew 5:43-48. In Backwards Ideas About Loving Others, we look at how Jesus says we must love others. Are you ready to go the second mile in your walk with Jesus?
Philippians 3:13-14. One Thing Paul Wanted was to be more like Christ. So much so that he was willing to loose all he gained in life for Jesus. He wanted an intimate relationship with Jesus. Is that your desire today?
Psalm 27:1. In a world that seems to be losing confidence in itself, we can have confidence in God. In verse 1 of Psalm 27, we see David’s secret to having confidence in God.
James 1:2-4. Faith and Trials. In these verses we see the Biblical response to trials. We see how we are to respond to those trials, and the importance of allowing the trials to complete. Let’s face it, none of us enjoy going through times of trial,...
Today, we continue talking about how to build a rock solid faith that will not be prone to unbelief. We talk about faith and works. They go together like peanut butter and jelly. You can’t develop a strong faith unless you put it to work.
John 4:46-53. What is it going to take for you to believe? For many, it takes a sign. Something they can visually see or hear with their own ears. Jesus teaches that we must believe, that means have faith in Him.
In today’s episode, I teach from several Verses that teach us how to Keep a Strong Faith. We need a strong faith to make sure we don’t abandon that faith.
We had a big snow in East Tennessee last week. In fact, it’s still laying around today. While I was driving to work, I noticed cars abandoned on the side of the road. With the big snow and ice, some cars were not able to navigate the road, or make it...
Today we look at several passage of Scripture in search for the answer to Is Bible Study Important? I hope, after you listen to the passages presented, you will agree with me that Bible Study is important to us today.