James 4:9 There comes a time when you must realize the magnitude of sins, and how much it cost God to provide forgiveness
James 4:8, We need to allow Jesus to clean up the dirt, filth and muck of our sins. It needs to be done before we start drying neigh unto God.
James 4:8. We need to draw nigh to God. We do that when we live in and do His will, when we study and apply the Bible to our lives, when we pray and seek Him.
James 4:7. Yes, we only studied one verse again today, but these verses are loaded. Before we can do anything, we must submit to God, everything to God. Don’t hold anything back, give it all to Him.
James 4:6-10. For many, the idea that we can draw near to God seems impossible. They feel that God is too far away to have a close relationship with us. Nothing is further from the truth. In fact, God WANTS a relationship with you.
Romans 12:17-21. In these verses, Pau is urging us to live out the Christian life. How? By repaying evil with good. by helping those who don’t like us.
1 Peter 2:9-10. We are called to be different than the world. How is the world going to know it needs Jesus if the church lives so much like the world?
Psalm 51:10-13. When David was confronted with his sin with Bathsheba, he confessed his sin to God, and sought God’s forgiveness. That is what we need to do when we realize the sin in our lives.
Selected verses from John 9. Please read the entire chapter to get the complete story, as I just give the highlights in this episode. Basically, Jesus healed a man born blind, and healed him on the Sabbath. Of course, that set the Pharisees off and...
Selected Verses from the Gospels. Not much is written about Mary Magdalene. There is much speculation about her involvement with other Gospel accounts. This morning, I present the facts of Scripture about Mary Magdalene and her faithfulness to her...
Mark 10:46-52. Blind Bartimeus encountered Jesus outside of Jericho. He was a blind beggar, but not after he had an encounter with Jesus.
Luke 19:1-10. Today we are studying Zaccheus. This man was a publican (tax collector) and probably one of the most hated people in the city. Yet, Jesus still abode at his house. As a result, Zaccheus was converted, and his conversion was proven by his...
Ephesians 4:21-24. In these passages of Scripture, it is clear that there must be a change in our lives if we have given our lives to Jesus. The rest of the week, we will look at real life examples of people that had a encounter with Jesus, and walked...
Selected verses from 1 Kings 18 & 19. The devil may have a big, nasty bark. But, for the Christian, he has no bite. Don’t let the devil keep you from doing the work God has for you.
1 Kings 19:11-13.