Selected verses from Galatians chapters 1 & 3. So many of us fall victim to false teachers, following their false teachings until we walk away from the truth of God. Don’t let that happen to you!
Today, we take a good, hard look at the topic of love. Specifically, our love for others. How would you rate your love for others?
James 1:26-27. In todays episode, we look at the religion that is acceptable unto God. It’s one where we go out, helping to meet the needs of others, where we keep ourselves from being influenced by the world.
Various verses. For the Christian, we have freedom in Christ. We have the freedom to choose whether we follow Jesus, or if we follow our old sin nature. One is beneficial and profitable to our life and faith. The other will cause us to miss our reward.
Various verses. For the Christian, we have freedom in Christ. Yet, all too often we use that freedom for the wrong purposes. We use that freedom to indulge in our sinful nature. That is not what that freedom is for. If you choose to sin, that is your...
Selected verses from Matthew 10. Jesus told us to “Go.” What did He mean? Go is an action word, it requires us to do something. We must share our faith with those in our homes, communities and workplaces. The church today seems to want people to...
By spending time studying and applying the Bible to our lives, that is the only way we will know what the calling of God is on our lives. It’s the only way we will be thoroughly equipped to handle that call. When was the last time you looked at your...
There are 4 things that we must do if we are going to have our mind renewed so that we can be transformed into the person that God wants you to be. Listen and discover those 4 tings needed to be a living sacrifice.
Romans 12:1-2. Did you ever realize that by living as a living sacrifice, you are giving a gift to God? I know that is one gift that will not be returned.
Romans 12:1. Paul calls us to be a living sacrifice. What exactly does he mean by that? In this episode, we look at what a sacrifice is, the Old Testament sacrifice system, and what we must do to be a living sacrifice each day. This is part 1 of the...
2 Timothy 4:6-8. After giving Timothy some instruction into doing his good works, Paul reveals the results of doing those good works. Paul lived a lift of sacrifice for the Lord, and now he knew his death was near. He wanted to encourage Timothy to...
2 Timothy 3:17-4:5. God will equip you to do the job He has called you to do. In today’s episode, we look at our example, Timothy, and see what his calling was and how he was to do it. We can always trust God to provide our needs to complete His calling.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Death is a subject that many of us would rather not discuss. Me too. Paul teaches us and the church at Thessalonica some important principles about death. Things that should bring comfort to the Christian.
1 Corinthians 2:14, 1:17-18, 21-23. To you, is the things of God foolish? If so, then you are looking at things through the worlds point of view. Don’t let the world dictate your view of God. If that’s you, then spend time reading (yes, reading, not...