Psalm 139:23-24. Most of us don’t like trials. In this prayer, it seems like we are inviting those trials right into our lives. There is a reason for this, and it’s important. Listen on!
Mark 9:24. If you are like me, sometimes your faith in God is strong. Other times, it’s weak. That is something a father had a problem with.
Psalm 51:10, Ezekiel 18:31, Acts 15:19. Asking God to create a clean heart in you is a bold request. it means putting yourself aside to follow God. Are you willing to ask this prayer? Photo Credit: Jude Beck.
Romans 8:9, 13. Are you following the path of a true Christian, or a counterfeit Christian? Photo Credit: Oliver Roos.
Romans 12:1-2. We must not be conformed to this world, but rather, we must be transformed. Find out why and how. Photo Credit: Dan Freeman.
Romans 8:5-8. All of us have a type of mind. It really boils down to two types. Which do you have? Photo credit: Pablo Heimplatz. Photo: Split Apple Rock, New Zealand.