In today's episode, we reflect on John 14:1-6. Amidst the chaos and uncertainties of the world, Jesus' words offer comfort and reassurance. He tells us not to let our hearts be troubled, to believe in God, and also in Him. Jesus promises to prepare a place for us and assures us that He is the way, …
1 Corinthians 10:1-12, by looking at the example of the Israelites journey to the Promised Land, we can see that it was written for our example, so we can see the successes and failures on their journey. Take heed to what they experienced.
1 Corinthians 10:21, This verse goes along with a saying I used to have, “You can’t be a Christian on Sunday and a sinner on Monday. Yet, all to often we try and do that exact thing.
1 Samuel 15:22, partial obedience is not true obedience. We must be obedient to the Lord. In this episode, I teach what Saul did wrong, and how you and I can become obedient to the Lord.
Joshua 1:6-9, Joshua had a monumental task ahead of him. God made it clear his mission and success hindered on one thing. Tune in to find out what Joshua had to make sure wasn’t overlooked.
Ephesians 6:10-13, we must be strong in our faith if we are going to stand up in this evil world. Paul advises us to put on the whole armor of God, and that is the only way we can stand. Have you put on your armor today?
2 Corinthians 6:16-7:1. Pau is teaching us an important lessons about idols and how they should have no part in the life of a Christian. Much like our world today, Paul was walking around a town near Corinth that had a lot of temples and altars...
Matthew 6:10. In this model prayer that Jesus taught us to pray, one of the phrases is to pray that the will of God is done on earth. We need to pray that the will of God is done on earth, done in us. Are you wiling to pray that the will of God is...
Matthew 6:33, no matter what is happening in your life right now, you’ve got to seek first the Kingdom of God. How can I do that? Today’s episode gives us five things we must do to seek the Kingdom of God, which we will discuss more in detail next...
Selected Verses from Galatians 5. Paul teaches about the works of the flesh and how we have struggled to overcome them. He also teaches about the fruit of the Spirit, and how those qualities prove our faith. Which list, that Paul writes about, has...
1 Corinthians 10:7-11, these verses give us examples of thing ancient Israel did wrong, and the consequences they had. We can use these as examples and warnings to walk in the path God leads.
1 Corinthians 10:1-6, in these verses Paul reminds us several things about the Israelites as they journeyed from Egypt to the promised land. It would be best for us to heed what Paul writes here.
1 Kings 18:17-40, here we find Elijah standing up for God against the false prophets of his time. God is still looking for people to proclaim His Word in a lost world that is following false gods. Are you willing to be that person?
Selected Verses from Colossians 3. Today’s episode dives into Israel’s journey from Egypt to the Promised Land, teaching us about our own spiritual journey. Learn how change is a journey and why focusing on God is key.