Selected Verses from Galatians 5. Paul teaches about the works of the flesh and how we have struggled to overcome them. He also teaches about the fruit of the Spirit, and how those qualities prove our faith. Which list, that Paul writes about, has...
1 Corinthians 10:7-11, these verses give us examples of thing ancient Israel did wrong, and the consequences they had. We can use these as examples and warnings to walk in the path God leads.
1 Corinthians 10:1-6, in these verses Paul reminds us several things about the Israelites as they journeyed from Egypt to the promised land. It would be best for us to heed what Paul writes here.
Exodus 32:1-9, Here we Israel worship their created god, the golden calf. We may look with disdain at their example, but who, or what, have you placed in the spot that God should have in your life. The tabernacle was placed at the exact center of the...
Selected Verses from Colossians 3. Today’s episode dives into Israel’s journey from Egypt to the Promised Land, teaching us about our own spiritual journey. Learn how change is a journey and why focusing on God is key.
Philippians 3:13. In our latest episode, we explore the importance of looking forward in our spiritual journey. The host shares relatable insights and personal anecdotes that will inspire you to leave the past behind and focus on the future God has planned for you. Dive into this episode to strengt…
Are you placing your faith in the right place? In our latest episode, we explore the critical importance of who you follow in your spiritual journey. Drawing from the teachings of Apostle Paul, we discuss how easy it is to be led astray by false teachings and the importance of grounding our faith i…
Luke 7:18-24, in todays Bible reading, we see where John the Baptist, while in prison, sent two of his disciples to Jesus to find out if Jesus is indeed the Messiah, or if they should watch for another. Think of the magnitude of that question. We see...
Matthew 8:23-27, in these verses, we see Jesus and the disciples in a boat when a great storm arises and threatens to sink the ship. The disciples, out of fear, woke Jesus. He rebuked the storm and everything was calm. You may be going through a storm...
Matthew 3:1-2, 5-11, These verses introduce who we know as John the Baptist. He was the forerunner to Jesus, who preached repentance, who baptized Jesus. We can learn a lot from him, some of which we discover. In this episode, I present 3 things...
Mark 2:1-12, we see the story of a crippled man whose friends brought him to be healed by Jesus. Because of a huge crowd, they could not get to Jesus, but that did not deter his friends. Listen to this episode and see what they did to get their friend...
Today, I ask the question Was There a Fishing 101 class? Let me explain. We’re talking about our lives before and after Christ. Taking off the old life (before) and putting on the new (after). There is no middle ground. Too often, today, we want to...
Acts 8:9-25 we read the story of Simon the Sorcerer. He got saved and baptized, then tried to purchase the gift of God, the Holy Spirit, so he could give out the Holy Spirit. He came from a life of magic and sorcery, and many people felt he had power...