John 2:12-22, in this episode we study about the time Jesus Cracks The Whip. He went to the temple and found it overrun with people selling things and changing money. He cracks the whip and chases them out of the temple. What would Jesus do if He...
Luke 22:35-38, we must be prepared for the coming persecution and end times.
1 Kings 19:1-8, we see in these verses the power of rest. When was the last time you had a good nights sleep? Give God your worries and fears and troubles. Allow Him to give you rest.
Matthew 7:21-23, Here Jesus is teaching us that everybody is not what they seem to be. That is why we need to judge the fruit that they bear. We need to test the spirits.
In Matthew 7:1-6, Jesus is challenging us to Judge Yourself First. Before we can share our faith with others, we must make sure our sin is dealt with. Is there any uncontested sin in your life? Why not ask God, then confess that sin.
Matthew 6:19-21 Jesus asks Where is YOUR treasure? Is your treasure built around the things of this world, or the things of God and His Kingdom? Make sure your treasure is not built on the wrong things Check out today’s episode.
Philippians 3:13-14. One Thing Paul Wanted was to be more like Christ. So much so that he was willing to loose all he gained in life for Jesus. He wanted an intimate relationship with Jesus. Is that your desire today?
Psalm 27:4. In One Thing Davids Desire, we look at the One Thing David sought after and desired in his life. Listen to this episode to discover what it is and why it is important to us today.
Psalm 27:1. In a world that seems to be losing confidence in itself, we can have confidence in God. In verse 1 of Psalm 27, we see David’s secret to having confidence in God.
James 1:2-4. Faith and Trials. In these verses we see the Biblical response to trials. We see how we are to respond to those trials, and the importance of allowing the trials to complete. Let’s face it, none of us enjoy going through times of trial,...
1 Peter 2:12. As Christians, we play a special role living in the world. We are to let our light shine in the world (Matthew 5:16). We need to live in such a way so that others see Jesus in us. Is that the way you are living your life today? We need...
In today’s episode, I teach from several Verses that teach us how to Keep a Strong Faith. We need a strong faith to make sure we don’t abandon that faith.
Joshua 1:6-9. In His instructions to Joshua, God gives us the recipe for true success. By following God’s instructions, Joshua would accomplish the mission God gave him. If he failed to follow His instructions, then Joshua would have failed at his...
Deuteronomy 31:8. In these verses, Moses is giving Joshua promises to count on. These are promises that will never be broken, the very promises of God. And, I believe, are as relevant to us today as they were to Joshua.
Genesis 28:15-16. Jacob realized the presence of the Lord was in the place he was, and he declared I Knew It Not. The Lord is with you, even in places you don’t expect Him to be at.