Matthew 6:10. In this model prayer that Jesus taught us to pray, one of the phrases is to pray that the will of God is done on earth. We need to pray that the will of God is done on earth, done in us. Are you wiling to pray that the will of God is...
Today, we are looking at the topic of being Kingdom Minded. If you want to truly “Seek first the Kingdom of God,” then you must be kingdom minded. You can only be kingdom minded when you allow God to transform your mind from the things of this world,...
Numbers 14L22-32 and other New Testament verses to point the way to Jesus.
Exodus 32:1-9, Here we Israel worship their created god, the golden calf. We may look with disdain at their example, but who, or what, have you placed in the spot that God should have in your life. The tabernacle was placed at the exact center of the...
Selected Verses from Colossians 3. Today’s episode dives into Israel’s journey from Egypt to the Promised Land, teaching us about our own spiritual journey. Learn how change is a journey and why focusing on God is key.
Luke 24:11, 1 Corinthians 1:18, 22-24.
Luke 7:18-24, in todays Bible reading, we see where John the Baptist, while in prison, sent two of his disciples to Jesus to find out if Jesus is indeed the Messiah, or if they should watch for another. Think of the magnitude of that question. We see...
Luke 4:13, we learn in this verse that after the time of tempting Jesus was over, the devil left him alone for a season. Trials and temptations only last a season, and we must be ready to go through them so we develop a strong, steadfast faith in God....
Today, I ask the question Was There a Fishing 101 class? Let me explain. We’re talking about our lives before and after Christ. Taking off the old life (before) and putting on the new (after). There is no middle ground. Too often, today, we want to...
Acts 8:9-25 we read the story of Simon the Sorcerer. He got saved and baptized, then tried to purchase the gift of God, the Holy Spirit, so he could give out the Holy Spirit. He came from a life of magic and sorcery, and many people felt he had power...
Selected Verses, in this episode, I focus on reasons why we don’t tell others about Jesus. In John 14:12, Jesus declares that we will do the works He did, and greater works than those. By discovering what the will of God is, we see the works that...
Mark 8:36-38 gives us some tough teachings on life. Jesus challenges us to think about the way we are living our lives to make sure it lines up with the life God wants us to live.
Matthew 16:18, Jesus is talking about faith. Today, we can see the evidence of Jesus and His work in the world, but we can’t see Jesus in the flesh. That is where faith steps in. Through the Bible, we can discover that Jesus is the Son of God, the...
John 2:12-22, in this episode we study about the time Jesus Cracks The Whip. He went to the temple and found it overrun with people selling things and changing money. He cracks the whip and chases them out of the temple. What would Jesus do if He...