Are you placing your faith in the right place? In our latest episode, we explore the critical importance of who you follow in your spiritual journey. Drawing from the teachings of Apostle Paul, we discuss how easy it is to be led astray by false teachings and the importance of grounding our faith i…
Luke 24:11, 1 Corinthians 1:18, 22-24.
Luke 18:35-43, We see in these verses that healing comes by this. Blind Bartimeus got his healing because he wouldn’t let the tide of public opinion change his calling out to Jesus. Because of this, he got his healing. What is this? Listen to todays...
Luke 13:1-9 Jesus is teaching the importance of repentance in our lives. Unless we repent of our sins, we will perish. Plain and simple.
Luke 4:13, we learn in this verse that after the time of tempting Jesus was over, the devil left him alone for a season. Trials and temptations only last a season, and we must be ready to go through them so we develop a strong, steadfast faith in God....
Matthew 9:9-13, we see here the calling of Matthew as a disciple. We also see Jesus teaching an important lesson. We are called to repentance, meaning we are called to ask forgiveness of our sins, then turn and walk in a different way than before....
Mark 2:1-2 we see Jesus spending time at a house, and the news of his location spread through town, and the house was packed full with people wanting to see Jesus. What if Jesus showed up at a church this Sunday? Would we recognize Him, would we put...
Psalm 126:1-2, this Psalm gives us some tips to help you get your praise on. When was the last time you really praised God? Even more, when was the last time you told others about the good things that God is doing in your life? Why not find someone...
Selected Verses, in this episode, I focus on reasons why we don’t tell others about Jesus. In John 14:12, Jesus declares that we will do the works He did, and greater works than those. By discovering what the will of God is, we see the works that...
John 14:14 Jesus tells us to ask anything in His name and He will give it to us. Is Jesus really giving us a blank check to ask whatever we want? Is Jesus some kind of genie in the sky? No, I believe Jesus is teaching something bigger, something like...
Mark 8:36-38, Jesus is challenging us with tough teaching for living. What can you or I offer to God in exchange for our souls?
Mark 8:36-38 gives us some tough teachings on life. Jesus challenges us to think about the way we are living our lives to make sure it lines up with the life God wants us to live.
2 Corinthians 2:14, this verse teaches us things to remember daily. As we strive to become authentic Christians, there are things that we need to do daily to help us live for Him. Listen now and discover 3 things that should be part of your daily life.
2 Corinthians 4:4, Paul teaches us that we are blinded by the devil if we don’t obey the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.