Luke 13:1-9 Jesus is teaching the importance of repentance in our lives. Unless we repent of our sins, we will perish. Plain and simple.
Matthew 9:9-13, we see here the calling of Matthew as a disciple. We also see Jesus teaching an important lesson. We are called to repentance, meaning we are called to ask forgiveness of our sins, then turn and walk in a different way than before....
Romans 8:26-27, if you are like me, sometimes I just don’t know how to pray. I don’t know what to pray for. But, as usual, we have good news in the Bible. Listen and discover what to do when you don’t know what to pray.
John 14:14 Jesus tells us to ask anything in His name and He will give it to us. Is Jesus really giving us a blank check to ask whatever we want? Is Jesus some kind of genie in the sky? No, I believe Jesus is teaching something bigger, something like...
Mark 8:36-38, Jesus is challenging us with tough teaching for living. What can you or I offer to God in exchange for our souls?
2 Corinthians 2:14, this verse teaches us things to remember daily. As we strive to become authentic Christians, there are things that we need to do daily to help us live for Him. Listen now and discover 3 things that should be part of your daily life.
Matthew 7:13-20, here in these verses, we see two questions for life, two questions we must answer that will ensure we have life with Jesus.
Matthew 5:27-32. Watch your desires is the topic of these verses. These verses specifically discuss things that are very relevant to our world today. The topics are adultery and divorce. Find out how to keep from adultery and divorce in your life.
Matthew 5:2-26. In these verses, we see a wrong kind of anger. It is an anger that destroys relationships. It’s the kind of anger that damages our relationship with God. Are you harboring the wrong kind of anger?
Matthew 5:20. I firmly believe the Pharisee spirit is still alive and well in the world today. Jesus warned us about the Pharisees, and even had choice words to say about them. Find out the dangers of the Pharisee in this episode.
Philippians 3:13-14. One Thing Paul Wanted was to be more like Christ. So much so that he was willing to loose all he gained in life for Jesus. He wanted an intimate relationship with Jesus. Is that your desire today?
Today, we continue talking about how to build a rock solid faith that will not be prone to unbelief. We talk about faith and works. They go together like peanut butter and jelly. You can’t develop a strong faith unless you put it to work.
John 4:46-53. What is it going to take for you to believe? For many, it takes a sign. Something they can visually see or hear with their own ears. Jesus teaches that we must believe, that means have faith in Him.
Psalm. 91:2-3. The LORD God is our safe place. He is our protector and He is our deliverer. Will you run and stay close to our Safe Place?
We had a big snow in East Tennessee last week. In fact, it’s still laying around today. While I was driving to work, I noticed cars abandoned on the side of the road. With the big snow and ice, some cars were not able to navigate the road, or make it...