Today we look at several passage of Scripture in search for the answer to Is Bible Study Important? I hope, after you listen to the passages presented, you will agree with me that Bible Study is important to us today.
Joshua 1:6-9. In His instructions to Joshua, God gives us the recipe for true success. By following God’s instructions, Joshua would accomplish the mission God gave him. If he failed to follow His instructions, then Joshua would have failed at his...
Genesis 28:15-16. Jacob realized the presence of the Lord was in the place he was, and he declared I Knew It Not. The Lord is with you, even in places you don’t expect Him to be at.
John 12:27-28. In these verses, we see a trial prayer that we can use when we go through time of testing. Jesus makes an astonishing statement here, then reveals the proper prayer we should use in our trials.
Acts 5:28-33. It’s important in life to take wise counsel. The religious leaders in their time was so furious with Peter and John that they sought to kill them. Yet, one of their own, cautioned against it and provided the leaders wise counsel that...
Acts 4:13. Can people tell that you have been with Jesus? The religious leaders of their time noted that Peter and John had been with Jesus. If you were on trial today, is there enough evidence that you had been with Jesus to convict you?
2 Peter 3:14-18. We must make sure we do not fall victim to false teachers and false doctrines. Peter warns us, in these verses, that people will twist around the Bible leading to their destruction. The only way to make sure we do not fall victim is...
Matthew 23:1-7. The question Are You a Pharisee is one we must ask ourselves often. Without realizing it, we can slip into Phariseeism without realizing it. In these passages, Jesus teaches us what to watch out for so we don’t become like the...
Mark 12:41-44. The widow gave it all to the temple treasury. What things are we withholding from God?
Haggai 1:2-11. Twice, God warned the people of Jerusalem to Consider Your Ways. the temple of God was in ruins while they were rebuilding their homes and lives ad possessions. Like us today, they were putting things ahead of God. take a few minutes...
Matthew 13:3-9 and 19-23. In Parables The Sower, Jesus tells the story of a farmer who is planting his seed. He teaches 4 different areas the seeds fell, and what the outcome of those seeds were. I believe each and every one of us falls into one of...
Acts 2:40-43. In these verses, we see something that I preach about often, and I firmly believe is lacking in our world today, and that is unity in the church. Whether you know it or not, the church is not unified. These verses teach us things about...
1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 3:1-7, 15:11. There should be no division in the church. Yet, if you look at the church today, it is divided. I can’t even count the number of denominations around the world. Do you really think the church is unified? Having...
1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Paul presented the Gospel message that he received of Jesus at his conversion in Acts 9. Paul also teaches that the death, burial and resurrection are according to the scriptures. For us today, ALL scripture is relevant and much...
1 Corinthians 11:1-2, 4:12-17. In Acts 18, we read where Paul had established this church at Corinth. As a result, he disciple that church through false teachings and false doctrine.