Psalm 46:10, 1 Kings 19:11-12. When it seems like everything around you is falling apart, be still. When it seems that your world is crashing down around you, be still. God is your strength, He is your refuge, He is your help in times of trouble, be...
Selected verses from Matthew, Mark and Luke.
1 John 1:9. The Bible makes it simple. Unfortunately we don’t want to believe it. We are told we are deceiving ourselves if we don’t believe it, and even calling God a liar if we don’t believe it. What am I talking about? Listen and find out. Let’s...
Mark 1:35-39. We got to stay on track, doing the things God has called us to do. All to often, we stumble, or get side tracked and lose our way. In today’s episode, I’ll give you 3 things to know so you will not get side tracked in your day to day...
Mark 9:14-29. I am sure many of us has been in the shoes of this father. Only wanting a healing that seems to be impossible for his child. Oftentimes, the answer to our prayers depends on the faith we have. Is your faith strong enough to do the...
John 20:24-29. We all know someone like this. Someone who will not believe anything unless they have seen it for themselves. In today’s episode, we take a look at who, today, we call Doubting Thomas. See the similarities between us and Doubting Thomas.
1 John 1:1-4. Some people in our lives will not believe anything unless they see it with their own eyes. While that may not necessarily be bad, it can be detrimental. We may not have seen Jesus face to face, but most of us has seen His work in their...
John 20:30-31, Revelation 22:18-19