Mark 12:13-17. What Does God Require is an age old question that many of us tend to struggle with. After all, there is teachings for and against just about every act in the Bible. Today, we are going to look at a story where the religious leaders...
Luke 15:1-7. the Parable of the Lost Sheep challenges us to see others in the same way that God sees them. What I mean is that Jesus is searching for those that are lost, to give them forgiveness of sins and a place in Heaven. Who do you care enough...
2 Corinthians 4:1-5. Am I hiding the message of Christ is a question I ask myself each and every day. the last thing I ever want to do is not share the Gospel with someone who needed the message. Paul teaches us three main things in these verses: 1....
Isaiah 6:5-20. While the phrase “What Shall I do” does not appear in these verses, the idea is present. God is calling out “Who shall we send?” I believe that calling is still going out today. Are you willing to go, and share the message that God has...
Selected verses from Luke 3. John the Baptist challenged his listeners to bring fruit worthy of repentance (Luke3:8).
1 Corinthians 14:19/15:1-9. Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ is something each and every believer has to do. It’s a direct command from Jesus. Yet, so many of us don’t share the Gospel. Paul gives us instruction on sharing the Gospel. Look at Paul’s...
Today, we take a look at the spirit of Power. It’s the first thing Paul lists. God has given us power to do many things. In this episode I take a look at just 3 things I believe God has given us power to do.
As we continue our study on the Great Commission, I teach today on the topic of teaching. We are to go and to teach. Many of us, myself included, don’t consider ourselves teachers. Yet, as we see in todays episode, that is exactly what we are called...
Selected verses from Matthew 10. Jesus told us to “Go.” What did He mean? Go is an action word, it requires us to do something. We must share our faith with those in our homes, communities and workplaces. The church today seems to want people to...
For the next several days, we will be studying what we call today, the Great Commission. It’s our marching larders direct from Jesus. Today, I give a quick overview of what we are called to do.
John 20:30-31. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, John wrote the Gospel of John so that we would believe that Jesus is the Messiah, and we would have everlasting life. All the encounters, all the signs, all the miracles John presents in his...
Selected verses from Romans 6. Each day, we make decisions on what we are going to follow, whether it be the old sin nature, or whether it be the things of God. What are you giving yourself to today?
James 4:9 There comes a time when you must realize the magnitude of sins, and how much it cost God to provide forgiveness
James 4:8, We need to allow Jesus to clean up the dirt, filth and muck of our sins. It needs to be done before we start drying neigh unto God.
Selected verses from 1 Kings 18 & 19. The devil may have a big, nasty bark. But, for the Christian, he has no bite. Don’t let the devil keep you from doing the work God has for you.