Selected verses from Matthew, Mark and Luke.
Philippians 3:3-10. Tough Teaching Alert. This episode is not for the faint of heart. Paul is teaching us that everything he attained in life, he looks at as dung, for the knowledge of Jesus. Paul put it all on the line for Jesus, are you willing to...
Matthew 25:31-46. In these passages, we get a glimpse into the Judgment, the end of time. We will ALL stand before the Lord. That is not the time to find out you were on the wrong track, the wrong path. Take time today, I plead with you, to make sure...
1 John 1:9. The Bible makes it simple. Unfortunately we don’t want to believe it. We are told we are deceiving ourselves if we don’t believe it, and even calling God a liar if we don’t believe it. What am I talking about? Listen and find out. Let’s...
Luke 16:19-31. It seems like every day someone is saying that they went to Heaven or Hell and have come back to tell us about the experience. The Bible teaches something different, as we see in these verses. Instead of trusting these false examples,...
2 Peter 3:9. No, the Lord is not slow or slack concerning the End Times. Instead, He is trying to give as many people as possible a chance to repent of their sins. Thank God for His goodness.
John 20:24-29. We all know someone like this. Someone who will not believe anything unless they have seen it for themselves. In today’s episode, we take a look at who, today, we call Doubting Thomas. See the similarities between us and Doubting Thomas.
1 John 1:1-4. Some people in our lives will not believe anything unless they see it with their own eyes. While that may not necessarily be bad, it can be detrimental. We may not have seen Jesus face to face, but most of us has seen His work in their...