Part one of the series "Get Wisdom." This episode discusses how to know Wisdom.
Part 5 of the series "A Growing Faith." It took seeing Jesus personally after His resurrection for the disciples to believe.
Part 4 of the series "A Growing Faith." Sometimes when we are growing and we start to see the fruit of our labor, we get a "too big for our britches" attitude. That may have been a problem for the …
Part 3 of the series "A Growing Faith." Today, we look at Jesus feeding the 5000. Jesus can meet all your needs.
Part 2 of the series "A Growing Faith." Today, we look at Prayer. Your faith will only be as strong as your prayer life.
Part one of the series A Growing Faith. Today, we look at the account of the disciples in a storm at sea.
Part 5 of the series Do Good. Today, we take a look at doing good to others.
Part 4 of the series "Do Good." Today, we talk about strength to keep doing the good things God wants you to do.
Part 3 of the series "Do Good." Today, we will look at the good things that should characterize our life. We call them the fruit of the Spirit.
Part 2 of the series "Do Good." Today, we look at the sin nature we should not live by.
We reap what we sow. It's a principle as old as time itself. Today, I introduce the topic for the next few days, Do Good.
In the final part of the "I Have" series, we discover that Jesus has given us the words of the Father.
Part 4 of the "I Have" series. We must keep the word of God.
Part 3 of the series "I Have." Today, we focus on the completed work of Jesus.
Part 2 of the I have series. Jesus has shown us God the Father.
The "I Have" series focuses on several statements of Jesus in John 16 and 17.
Final part in our study of Philemon. Today, we discuss the length Paul was willing to go for Onesimus. What does this tell us of our willingness to forgive?
Part 4 of the series Philemon. Today, we discuss Paul pleading his case for Onesimus.
Part 3 of the series Philemon. In today's study, we discover that we should do the right thing, instead of someone forcing us to do the right thing.
Part 2 of the series Philemon. Today we discuss the witness of Philemon. Can what Paul said of Philemon be said of you?
Series introduction. Philemon is a wonderful letter about love and forgiveness.
Final part of the series Run The Race. Today, we discuss how we can complete the race.
Part three of the series Run the Race. Today we discuss why we must lay aside the things that weigh us down, and why we must lay aside sin.
Part 3 of the series Run the Race. Today, we discuss why we must keep away from sin if we want to live for Jesus.