Part 2 of our new series Run the Race. In Hebrews 12:1, we see two things we must do in order to effectively run the race. Today, we look at the first.
New series Run The Race. Do not let things cause you to fall out.
Do you value your accomplishments higher than you do Jesus?
Peace series part 3. In this episode we discover that we can not have peace with others until we have peace with God.
Peace series, part 2. The peace of God helps us understand His will.
Willing and Obedient series. This episode discusses the topic You Never Know Who God Is Calling You To Minister To.
Willing and Obedient series. Today we look at Phillip and his teaching the Ethiopian Eunuch.
Willing and Obedient series. Paul testified of his salvation, but King Agrippa could not fully believe it. Almost is not obedient. He was not willing.
Willing and Obedient series. Today we look at Felix, a government leader who heard the Gospel.
In part 4 of the series Willing And Obedient, we discover Sail, later renamed Paul. He thought he was doing the will of God, only to find out it was not.
Part 3 of the series Willing and Obedient. Today we study the story of the rich young ruler.
Part 2 of the series Willing and Obedient. Today we look at Mark 9, and the story of a father who wanted healing for his son. He took him to the disciples, but they could do nothing.
Prescription for a long life, part 5. Today we discuss the choice we all must make. Will you surrender your life to Jesus, or will you reject Him?
Prescription for a long life part 4. Today we discuss why seeking and pursuing peace is vital.
Prescription for a long life, part 2. You must watch your speech.
Want to live a long life? Psalm 34 tells you how.
God supplies all our needs-we lack nothing.
We need to praise God even when things do not go as planned.
As we start out in this brand new year, let us offer praise to God.