Various Verses. We are told to believe in Jesus for everlasting life. Is that really all that’s needed? In today’s episode, we explore the question Is Belief Enough? What does the Scriptures say about our salvation?
2 Timothy 1:8-13. In these passages, we see a life lived in trust and obedience to God and His Calling. Are you growing in Christ through trials and afflictions? That is the only way to truly grow and know Jesus. Are you ready to follow Him no matter...
Hebrews 4:14-16, these verses teach us that Jesus is our High Priest, who not only ascended to Heaven, but also understands our struggles. Because of His sacrifice, we can boldly come to God for help and comfort.
Hebrews 10:23. What is your hope and faith built on. If it’s built on anything but the Lord Jesus, then it’s built on the wrong things. Listen to this episode to see why it is so important to have your hope set on Jesus.
John 12:1-6, in today’s episode, we look at 3 people and talk about how to tell the real believers from the fake.
Romans 8:18, 35, 37-39. If you are going through a time of trial or testing of your faith, now is not the time to abandon your faith thinking that God doesn’t love you. Nothing is further from the truth. The fact is, God does love you.
Psalm 139. David concludes this Psalm with a prayer we all need to pray. By understanding that God knows everything about us, that God has known us from the womb, and we cannot escape the presence of God, this prayer becomes more and more important to...
Acts 19:18-29. Because people were responding to Paul’s message, the silversmiths and makers of the goddess Diana got upset. Don’t let what others think cause you to not repent.
Acts 8:9-25. Point 1 is “Once you repent, don’t try and connect the past with the future.” All too often, we try and hold on to little things that characterized our life before Christ. If we try and connect our old life before Christ, with our new...
Various. Taking a close look at several verses where we discover that we must prove our re
Various verses. Repentance is key to our relationship with the Lord. Today, let’s look at some verses that tell us important things about repentance.
Psalm 150. Praise is something you hear about, but maybe really don’t understand it. Praise is a vital part in the life of a Christian. Praise is where we lift up God and thank Him for what He’s done for us. When was the last time you offered your...
John 3:16-19 KJV. Today, we are going to look at several verses that offer us insight into why people reject the message of God.
Romans 10:17, today we are looking at faith, and how to make sure our foundation of faith is strong and secure.
Titus 2:11-15, Paul is giving a quick lesson on the basics of the Christian faith. Listen for this great reminder of the basics of what we believe.